Pam Gross is a candidate for Loveland City Council and provided this Candidate Statement to Loveland Magazine.

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Pam Gross is running for Loveland City Council

Four years ago I made the decision to run for city council because I believed Loveland needed new leadership, vision and direction. I promised several things:

  • Smart and focused economic development programs
  • Implement sound fiscal policies without asking taxpayers to pay increased income taxes
  • Innovative and creative ideas on infrastructure while maintaining quality city services

This message resonated with the voters and I was elected to serve as their council representative. I am proud to say that I have delivered on the promises four years ago and I am now seeking re-election to continue on this path of progress and looking forward to the future and new successes that will continue to grow our city and keep it vibrant and financially stable for future generations.

This is a decent enough elevator campaign speech but it doesn’t tell the real story of the progress in Loveland nor does it capture the excitement and vitality of our city.

During my first campaign, my niece, Nyla, was graduating from High School. We’ve always been very close and she spends a lot time at our home. Like most of us, we like to play, shop and eat in our community. We would ride or walk on the bike trail, and then we hop in the car and head over to Madeira to shop at the little boutiques and grab a bite to eat in Montgomery. Why, because Loveland didn’t have much to offer outside of an extremely expensive dirt pile in the middle of downtown.

My accounting office is located downtown and I would drive by that dirt pile every day and finally I decided, I’m going to run for council. I’m tired of the same people running the show – our city needed new leadership, direction and vision. Our town had so much potential. So I ran for council and I won. There is no greater honor than serving as an elected representative for the community I care so deeply about. 

Fast forward to today – my niece is now a senior at the University of Dayton. When she comes to visit her favorite aunt, the first thing she says is “let’s go downtown, I love that boutique – Busy Bee – they have all kinds of cool stuff.” She also tells me not to forget to bring my credit card and after spending my money she says “I’m hungry – let’s eat at Bella’s I like their outdoor patio – and after let’s get an ice cream at Graeters.”  That big pile of dirt is now Loveland Station, it is a thriving and fully occupied residential/retail space. 

On any night of the week downtown Loveland is full of life – kids enjoying ice cream, adults socializing on the outdoor patios and couples walking hand in hand enjoying the people watching. We have new small businesses as well – Narrow Path Brewery, Fresh Press and Bike Trail Junction. Travel down Loveland Madeira Rd and what was once a vacant car lot is now a vibrant business center with a Starbucks, SportClips and Chipotle. Four years ago our Commerce Park,  the “economic engine” of our city, was losing tenants at an alarming rate, today it is almost 100% occupied, home of the corporate headquarters for McCluskey Chevrolet and Mike’s Car Wash. 

New businesses are not only a boom to our economy but it builds our local tax base which supports our excellent Police, Fire, EMS, Public works and Parks  ( for people and dogs.) They are the quality city services our residents expect. I’m seeking re-election to continue this path of progress.  


  1. Ms. Gross your vision of big business without the residents knowledge is not working. So your for business as usual leaving the people out of any decisions made in the future whether we agree or not that is not my idea of a council person working in the best interest of Loveland and their residence
    I’m am not proud of what you and Fitsgerald tried to do with the property acrossed from Brandywine or the traffic mess you created without any thought of residents. You have not learned anything from the removal of Fitsgerald, business as usual is not what Loveland needs or wants. I will not vote for you or the Fitsgerald council members left. We need a better vision to bring back our town.

  2. The “dirt pile” Ms. Gross refers to was free fill from another construction site used to level the land that was the future site for Loveland Station. Prior to that, it was green lawn.

    Small towns across the country struggle with growth and the tradeoffs it entails. The question is – Were the decisions made in Loveland the right ones? No was the clear answer volunteered by residents during recent canvassing for the recall of our former mayor. One point repeatedly made by residents, and we spoke to thousands, was the extreme dissatisfaction with the Loveland Station project. The “hulk downtown” was a common term for it. Destruction of the feel of Loveland was other almost universal comments. “We don’t feel like Loveland is for us anymore.”

    Neighbors for Loveland have raised the issue of preservation of our historic downtown and architectural standards. We could have had an entirely different result downtown had the existing built environment been respected. As an example, consider the Mill’s Park hotel in downtown Yellow Spring, OH. https://www.tripadvisor.co.nz/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g51181-d10262244-i203072919-Mills_Park_Hotel-Yellow_Springs_Ohio.html

    This high-end boutique hotel in the heart of historic Yellow Springs was built with the highest craftsmanship and added enormous value to their downtown, along with the tax revenue. Imagine what might have been put on the unique and irreplaceable three acres in downtown. What a tragic lost opportunity. And for those businesses and people living in Loveland Station – we are not angry with you. It is not your fault. But if we are not honest and thoughtful about it, we will make more mistakes like this in the future.

    The other point raised by residents was traffic and parking – What can be down about the traffic and parking? Sadly, the short answer is little that is not very expensive. When you make poor planning decisions like unrestricted growth, this is the predictable result. It is a regional problem. Southwest Ohio is one of the top places in the country for sprawl. But Loveland is not just part of the problem, we can also be part of the solution. We should stop building out in existing green space. The green space we have remaining is why people come here in the first place. It performs many services for people – cleaning the air and water, reducing temperatures in summer. Maybe the tradeoff is that in order to have the beauty of nature around us, we decide to not build anywhere and everywhere just to create more tax revenue. Maybe we look for quality redevelopment along the Loveland Madeira corridor instead. And perhaps we learn that what we have and had, is beyond monetary value. Some things are just too good to change. Sometimes, you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone.

  3. Large business might be Pam Gross’ forte but small business such as the farmers market is very important to me. Continuing to vote for high fees and background checks turned our #3 market in the state into lesser vender eras. I began attending council meetings and am floored over the aragance shown to concerned citizens. Whatever paperwork that is so important during a speakers 5 mins means more than a listening ear. Caring for citizens concerns rate more important than big business growth. I for one want this stopped during council meetings. It has been brought to Mrs. Gross’ attention numerous times and it continues. I can find no good reason to vote Pam Gross back to 4 more years of continued lack of interest of the people.

  4. Does the city manager work for just you, or do they work for all the people of Loveland. I believe they work for everyone, even the people you disagree with.

  5. Yes, the city has experienced success under City Manager Dave Kennedy. I hardly see how that warrants a vote to keep a council member who has done everything within her power to alienate our own chamber of commerce, including trademarking the names “Christmas in Loveland,” “Loveland Business Association,” and “Loveland Merchant’s Association” from your own business address. Are you competing with our chamber? Then, in looking at your votes that would have pushed the Loveland Farmer’s Market, the Amazing Charity Race, and other community initiatives out of the city (background checks on farmer’s and artisans?), it’s clear that you are anti-small business and anti-community.

    It’s also come to light that the majority you worked with over the last four years shut down an attempt at historic preservation in Old Loveland that Dave Kennedy brought to the table. After a fire that’s threatened the very last of our historic buildings, what is your position on historic preservation and historic code today? I think you should be very clear about this.

    More, as you’ve received campaign contributions that pose ethical questions about your private business relationship with our previous economic development consultant and the appointment to the CIC that violated regulations, how do you explain your role (as VP of the Community Improvement Corporation) in pushing unwanted development projects on residents, like a 4-story city hall building and a deal with Drees that would have resulted in a 10-acre development in Warren County? It’s interesting to note that as a committee member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, you stated at a city council meeting that the Planning & Zoning Commission was in favor of the 4-story proposal. Why did you not disclose at that same moment that YOU serve on that committee? It’s been since 2002 since the city wrote its last master plan. Is resident sanction on anything development related not important to you? Please clarify your position on resident engagement in the writing of the next master plan (due now).

    In your campaign statement above, you take a lot of credit for things you did not do, and you fail to disclose your behavior on Loveland City Council that has pitted the city of Loveland against our own business chamber as well as residents. I see no reason for residents to feel confident in a vote for you. In fact, you’ve worked hard to lose their votes. Please step aside so a true public servant can step forward for the residents and for our future.

  6. I wish this was a true statement, but PG forgets it is the hard work, and stressful work of MY city manager who has done the work you want to take credit for with this political rhetoric. The voters are going to speak, historical Loveland is being defaced with all the high end things you profess yours! I am for business but ones that are inclusive of all incomes. To the voters this is one of the MF-4. If want a change, change council. Bring real transparency and citizen involvement.

    • Does the city manager work just for you, or do they work for all the citizens of Loveland? I think they work for everyone who lives in the community, including the people you disagree with.

      • Actually the city manager is an employee of the city of Loveland. He does not work for the citizens. He is hired by council and can terminated without cause with four votes from council. While the other city employees answer direct to the city manager, the city manager answers directly to council. And is my right to disagree with members, like your right to disagree with me. Easy enough? And I put my full name on my statement how about you give me the courtesy?

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