
EDITOR’S NOTE: Please excuse the quality of our recent video work from the Loveland City Hall council chamber. After the City recently hired a Public Information Officer (PIO), LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV, USA-Today videographers, and Cincinnati Area TV stations have been put into a small corral to one side of the room, and the podium was placed so that when the public rises to speak, they have their backs toward the audience and our camera. We have talked to the PIO, City Manager and the Clerk of Council about how this arrangement significantly degrades our video, “The old set-up allowed a video camera to swing back and forth between those at the podium and the council table. That arrangement had been used for decades.”

Our plea has fallen on deaf ears. The PIO, however, did respond saying, “Unfortunately, the arrangement of the media area will not be moved to accommodate better angles at this time.”

So, for the time being, LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV is forced to show butts instead of faces, except when Councilwoman Pam Gross uses the podium. (See this recent video)



Loveland, Ohio – At the June 13 Council meeting, Mary Ann Lynn spoke at Open Forum. She referenced an editorial written by Councilwoman Gross that was published in the Loveland Herald. She noted that Gross went on record in a public forum to share her thoughts and positions. Lynn encouraged every Council Member to follow suit and state their position on the demolition and re-purposing of City Hall.

Lynn cited the Loveland Station development as proof that the City does not have the standards in place to ensure the quality historic integrity and eye-appeal of new construction in Historic Loveland, whereas Gross referred to Loveland Station as the new heart to old Loveland and assured residents that specific guidelines were in place to guide that project, suggesting the City has all the standards needed for historic Loveland.

 Lynn said that Gross displayed her capacity for deception by misrepresenting herself as a champion for resident input on the City Hall project, and misrepresented the efforts of a fellow Council Member to schedule informal meetings on the project.

Lynn said that a formal public hearing is not the first step in gathering information; it was the last box to be checked before Council could vote to transfer property to the Community Improvement Corporation. Lynn noted that. Gross voted against the informal sessions and that there was a growing concern in the community about a lack of honesty and transparency, and there were concerns that secret plans and backroom deals are being made. She said that key committees have been whittled down to include only the Mayor’s hand-picked representatives with meeting logistics that discourage inclusion.

Lynn said that the best way to calm the community is to bring the business of the City out in the open.

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