

Loveland, Ohio – A request has been made to City Council to adopt of a Special Planning District (SPD) for two vacant parcels on Loveland Madeira Road, adjacent to New Hope Baptist Church. The site is currently zoned Business Retail. Council action may send the plan to the Planing and Zoning Commission to begin the formal process of amending the zoning code.

Clover Management Inc., proposes to build 101 apartments in a three-story “senior living development”. The company, with headquarters in Buffalo New York, is owned by its president, Michael Joseph.

The proposed senior living development would include access off of Loveland Madeira Road via the signalized intersection at Highridge Drive.

Clover Management says in their proposal that they define a senior as 55 and older. “All our advertising and signage indicates ‘senior’ apartments. In the lease we require proof of age and we verify each renter’s identification.”


Council voted on Tuesday (August 11) evening to send the proposal for a 101 unit “Senior” apartment building on Loveland Madeira Road to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation.

There was no discussion at the council table other than to be sure what they were voting on.


The apartment building as proposed, will be a three- story (110,781 s.f.) market rent, independent senior living apartment building on the 5.78 acres of vacant land at the SW corner of Loveland Madeira Road and Highridge Road.


City Manager, Dave Kennedy, in a memo to council on July 30 estimated the fiscal impact of the project. He said, “Based on the estimated post development value of the project, the city would observe the following future real estate taxes and impact fees for the proposed development.”

Estimated Project Value 



Total CityTax:


• General Fund:


• Fire/EMS:


One Time 

Road & Rec Impact Fees:


Water Impact Fee:



The apartment building as proposed, will be a three- story (110,781 s.f.) market rent, independent senior living apartment building on the 5.78 acres of vacant land at the SW corner of Loveland Madeira Road and Highridge Road.

The building will consist of 101 total apartments – 97 two bedroom apartments and four, one bedroom apartments, including 24 enclosed garage spaces. The proposed project density is 17.5 units per 1 acre.

More Details
  • 109 parking spaces.
  • Wood construction and vinyl siding (earth tone)
    A community room with a kitchen
  • Library/family room and back patio area on the 1st floor
  • A sitting area on the 2nd and 3rd floor;
    2 laundry facilities and trash collection area are provided on each floor
  • An exercise room and beauty salon will be provided on the 2nd floor.
  • Monthly rents as proposed are to be in the range of $995 for a one bedroom apartment and $1125 for a two bedroom apartment. Water, heat and cable are included in the rent.


Overall Building Dimensions = 532’ x 130’ Total (width 65’), Building Height = 40’






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  1. I think this developer should buy out that vet office and the Eagles. Then put these 101 apartments right in downtown Loveland. Call it something like Senior Village on the River. Why put anything over on the Hamilton side ? Our city leaders love to jam things into the one-block downtown. What’s another 101 apartments and 202 cars coming across that bridge and making left turns ? Loveland does not have any traffic problems in downtown, it’s just your imagination …..

  2. Nice! As the people in Cohen’s downtown Loveland apartments reach their golden years, they can move just up the road.

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