Loveland’s Womens Varsity Soccer team fell to Springboro on Saturday, November 5th at Lakota East High School after an undefeated season. Read about the final game hereand watch the recap video here. Loveland ended the season 19-1-1, and made it to the final 8 in the state bracket. Although the team did not make it back to Crew stadium for the state game they claim to have hoped for, the coach and team considers the season a triumph.
Megan Schuster and Maria Bashardoust hold hands after losing the tournament
“The success of the season was definitely something I wasn’t expecting. After we lost so many valuable players last year, I didn’t think we would make it far at all. I came in with an open mind because it was my senior year and I can honestly say it was by far my favorite soccer season. I love all the girls to death and they’re some of my best friends.” said Senior Claire Beran.
Senior Claire Beran
“Looking back on the season overall, I think about all of the friendships that I made and lots of laughs with an amazing group of people. It wasn’t always about the soccer for me. The relationships with my teammates are so much more valuable to me than the soccer aspect of the team. They helped me improve as a soccer player and as a person and have truly improved who I am overall because of the impact of these girls on my lives.” said Junior Riley Massey.
Junior Sarah Harter in the Hamilton game
“It wasn’t always about the soccer for me. The relationships with my teammates are so much more valuable to me than the soccer aspect of the team. They helped me improve as a soccer player and as a person”
“Although our season didn’t come to an end the way we wanted it to, overall I’m very happy with how our season went. None of us knew how the 2016 season would go after losing five seniors which some were key players. I’m so proud of this team for working together for all twenty-one games; only tying 1 and losing one, which knocked us out of the tournament, is a great accomplishment,” said Senior Rachel Ernst.
Junior Lauren Parker saves a goal from Turpin
“I thought we had an unbelievable season. We won the ECC conference and we were undefeated. Even though we did not make it back to state, it was still a pretty great run and all of us became closer than ever. I’m really going to miss this great group of girls, and especially the six seniors that are leaving. It was hard leaving the field one last time with them. I have played two years with them and we have become really close; it’s just going to be extremely hard next year playing with out them,” said sophomore Brooke Harden.
Sophomore Brooke Harden
“We had an amazing season and had a very strong team to have such a great outcome for the results we ended up with. although we didn’t get where we wanted to in the tourney, we still fought and had grit every single game,” said freshman Maria Bashardoust.
“We still fought and had grit every single game”
Brooke Harden in the Lebanon game
“The memories I have from this season are from team bonding and team meals. There was always something fun happening when you got this many crazy people together. Singing and dancing with them everyday was so fun and something I will remember for the rest of my life,” said Riley Massey
“My favorite memory of the season was probably winning against St. Ursula in overtime. It really showed how mentally tough we were. It’s not easy to play an eighty-minute game plus a fifeteen-minute overtime but we managed to do it and pull out a win,” explained Beran.
Junior Coleen Swift in the Lakota East game
“My favorite memory would be singing and dancing to our songs before and after the games. I am truly going to miss that and this team!” said Harden.
“My favorite memories were always pre-game in the locker room and bus rides,” claimed Freshman Maria Bashardoust.
Brice Grieshop in the Springboro game
“I think my favorite memory from this season was beating Saint Ursuline Academy in Overtime during the regional semifinal game. We all had so much adrenaline even though everyone was dead tired. Seeing how many people from the community were there supporting us to join in on the excitement is only a part of what has made me love being a Loveland tiger and representing the school all four years,” said Rachel Ernst.
“Seeing how many people from the community were there supporting us to join in on the excitement is only a part of what has made me love being a Loveland tiger and representing the school all four years”
Maria Bashardoust
Leaving the last 2016 game
Loveland Magazine thanks Claire Beran for help on this article and Athletic Director Julie Renner for support this season.