Dear Loveland Magazine Readers,

On clear December nights, I often look up and am reminded of how much my beautiful Dylan loved the moon.

shp-3-years-dylanGoodnight Moon was his favorite book, one we cuddled together to read more times than I can remember. I would do anything to be able to snuggle up again with Dylan and recite the final “good night stars, goodnight air, goodnight noises everywhere” together ā€“ to not have to mark another year without him.

But I know nothing can bring back Dylan and all the other precious lives lost to gun violence. We can only change what happens next.

Next for Sandy Hook Promise is a major expansion of our no-cost, lifesaving programs to thousands more schools and communities. I’m proud to tell you we protected nearly 350,000 children this year with our trainings ā€“ and we want to reach one million in 2016.

I wish I didn’t have to ask for your support again ā€“ but to protect more children and stay on track for our year-end goal we have to raise $100,000 by Monday. In honor of Dylan and so many other families who’ve lost loved ones, please contribute what you can now.

Click here to make your tax-deductible gift of $25 or more to Sandy Hook Promise now. Help us reach Monday’s goal so we can expand our programs to protect more children from gun violence in 2016.

Despite the frightening frequency of shootings this year, there have been glimmers of hope. We’ve seen tragedies averted because people ā€“ including teens, who are often stronger and braver than we give them credit for ā€“ saw something and spoke up. Communities are taking notice ā€“ and asking Sandy Hook Promise to bring our programs to their states.[quote_right]It will never get easier. I will never stop missing Dylan’s smell, his laugh, his love of chocolate, his hugs and the way he loved the moon[/quote_right]

One such community is the Miami-Dade County Public Schools system. The country’s fourth-largest school district has partnered with Sandy Hook Promise to bring our prevention programs to its schools ā€“ to protect as many as 345,000 students and 14,000 employees ā€“ beginning in early 2016.

And, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve also had requests from Washington state, Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, Illinois and others. We offer our programs and materials free of charge to schools and communities to encourage participation, so I know we can expect a lot more requests ā€“ but we simply can’t fund and run them all successfully without your contribution now. Please, will you help us make Monday’s goal so we can protect more children in 2016?

Click here to make your 100% tax-deductible gift to Sandy Hook Promise now.

I dreaded December 14. Whether we’re marking three, six, 10 or 30 years without our precious butterfly, it will never get easier. I will never stop missing Dylan’s smell, his laugh, his love of chocolate, his hugs and the way he loved the moon.

I’m so grateful for every day he was with us. And I will never stop working to make sure his short life meant something. With your support, I know we’re doing just that. Thank you for all you do to lift our community and create a safer world for all of our children.

With love,

Nicole Hockley (Dylan’s mom)


Sandy Hook Promise Foundation
PO Box 3489, Newtown, CT 06470, United States


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