by AngelaĀ SettellSETTELL-ANGELA-9494-RET

City of Loveland


April 15 –Tax Day is fast approaching. Please remember to file AND pay your taxes to the City of Loveland. The tax rate is 1% which funds many of our City services.

Individuals Who Must File a Return:

ā€¢ Every full or part year resident age 18 or older, even though no tax may be due.
ā€¢ Anyone employed within the City whose employer does not withhold Loveland tax. ā€¢ Any self-employed individual conducting business within the City.
ā€¢ Owners of rental property located within the City.

The Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) collects and distributes income tax for the City of Loveland. You may access their website at www.ritaohio.com to e-File your return free of charge, download paper forms, and research frequently asked questions.

If you owe taxes and are not able to make full payment, you should immediately contact RITA at 1-800-860-7482. If your tax payment is $300 or more you can set up a formal payment plan for monthly payments. Once this is established, monthly reminder bills will be sent. If payment is defaulted, a civil court judgment will be obtained which could result in liens or garnishments on the balances due.

DONā€™T PROCRASTINATE, it is important to meet your legal obligation to file and pay Loveland income taxes. Failure to do so will be much more expensive– future enforcement actions including a subpoena to appear at Mayorā€™s Court and additional penalties, interest and court costs.


For additional Loveland tax filing information:

What do you want to know about filing requirements for Lovelandā€™s 1% Income Tax?

Download Loveland Income Tax forms for individuals and businesses


  1. It has been said that the IRS is the “most feared government agency.” After several years of filing my Loveland income tax return with RITA, I think the IRS may have some stiff competition.

    It used to be a fairly straightforward process to file Loveland income tax returns, in the pre-RITA days. When the “good idea” to become part of the RITA syndicate was adopted by Loveland, the local tax return process took a step backwards for the average filer.

    RITA’s forms are confusing, and the instructions are written so vaguely as to almost make a revised tax filing a sure thing for most filers. If I didn’t know better, I would think RITA has constructed its forms and instructions in a way that causes filers to doubt themselves, and then pay more than they should in taxes just so they don’t run afoul of RITA’s commissars!

    When one’s local tax return requires more time and effort than one’s federal or state tax return, something stinks.

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