By Brett Griffith, Loveland City School District Treasurer & CFO

At the April 18 Board of Education Business Meeting, I was pleased with the news we once again delivered for the Loveland City School District: financial stability. As the chief financial officer of the Loveland City School District, I want you ā€“ our investor ā€“ to know that it is of the utmost importance to both our Board of Education and my team to operate in a fiscally conservative manner while maintaining [pull_quote_left]I wanted to take this opportunity to share this district financial update with you.[/pull_quote_left]excellence for the students we serve. As such, I wanted to take this opportunity to share this district financial update with you. Our projections are based on a financial tool we use each year called the five year forecast ā€“ and each spring we update the projections originally published in the fall to present to the Loveland Board of Education.

Our positive projections are due in part to voters in the Loveland City School District passing a 5.6 mill operating levy in May of 2014; passage of the levy provided our team an opportunity to continue the excellent education we provide to our students, and ā€“ as always ā€“ we offer a sincere thank you to those who supported and continue to support our district. Our expectation is that the funds from that levy will continue to fund the district ā€“ as promised ā€“ until 2018. We will look to see how changes in the state budget will impact our projections and provide an update on the financial situation as required by state law this coming fall.

As I have expressed to you before, I feel it is my privilege to serve our Tiger Family by ensuring our team prepares students for tomorrow, today while maintaining the fiscal health of our operations. I invite you to contact me directly should you have any specific questions about our district finances. My door is always open.

Download: Five Year Forecast Loveland

CSD May, 2017 FF 4-18-17(v2) (1)

Brett Griffith is the Treasurer & CFO of the Loveland City School District 

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