UP-DATE: This meeting will be livestreamed at:
Loveland, Ohio – The Loveland Board of Education will hold their scheduled business meeting on Aug 11 at 6 PM.
District to Open School with Blended Model
“Loveland City Schools will be starting the 2020-2021 school year in the 50 percent-capacity, or blended model. If families choose the in-person option on the family selection form, they are selecting this with the understanding that the school year will begin with this blended option. The selection form will remain open until 11:55 p.m. on August 9. If you’ve previously made a selection and would like to change it, you may do so by completing the survey again. The district’s plan is to continuously evaluate this blended model as it is our goal to return to full capacity in-person learning when possible.” Read the District Update on School Return Model HERE that includes specific schedules for each building. Classes begin on August 26.
Due to COVID-19, Board of Education meetings are not currently held in person but are live-streamed to provide public viewing.
The meeting will be live-streamed on the District’s YouTube channel, however the link to watch this meeting has not yet been provided.
Read this information about public participation at board meetings: June 11, 2020 Update.
1.1 Adoption of Board Agenda
1.2 Welcoming of Guests
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance
1.4 Hearing of the Public (Send email to Board at board@lovelandschools.org)
1.5 Hearing of the Public for the Purpose of Retire/Rehire to complete procedures initiated on May 28 (Send email to Board at board@lovelandschools.org)
2.4 Business Manager’s Report
2.5 Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC) of the City of Loveland – Board of Education Representative Report
2.6 Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) of the City of Loveland – Board of Education Representative Report
2.7 Recreation Board Committee of the City of Loveland – Board of Education Representative Report
2.8 Planning and Zoning Committee of the City of Loveland – Board of Education Representative Report
3.1 Superintendent’s Updates
4.2 Approve the amendment of policies to identify District Compliance Officers
________________moved, seconded by ____________________ to approve the following policies due to changes in personnel.
Annually, these specific policies must be updated to reflect the names of any changes in administrators that the Board designates as District Compliance Officer. There are no additional changes in the current policies as presented.
1422 – NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY – Andrea Conner, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning replacing Robin Wiley, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
2260 – NONDISCRIMINATION AND ACCESS TO EQUAL EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY – Andrea Conner, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning replacing Robin Wiley, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
2260.01 – SECTION 504/ADA PROHIBITION AGAINST DISCRIMINATION BASED ON DISABILITY – Andrea Conner, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning replacing Robin Wiley, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
3122 – NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY – Andrea Conner, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning replacing Robin Wiley, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
3123 – SECTION 504/ADA PROHIBITION AGAINST DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT – Andrea Conner, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning replacing Robin Wiley, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
4122 – NONDISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY – Andrea Conner, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning replacing Robin Wiley, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
4123 – SECTION 504/ADA PROHIBITION AGAINST DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT – Andrea Conner, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning replacing Robin Wiley, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
4.3 Approve Policy 3220 – Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation
4.5 Approve a Memorandum of Understanding amending Article 22 of the LEA agreement
________________moved, seconded by ____________________ to approve a Memorandum of Understanding amending Article 22 of the LEA agreement. This agreement reflects the calendar change approved by the Board on June 23, 2020.
5.1 Approval of 7/15/20 Board of Education Minutes
5.2 Approval of 7/24/20 Board of Education Minutes
5.4 Approval of transfer from the Graduating class of 2020 (200-9020) to the current Freshman class of 2024 (200-9024).
5.5 Approval of Treasurer Items 5.1 – 5.4
6.1 Update on Staffing Changes (2019-20 to 2020-21)
6.2 Resignations and employment of certified, classified, homebound, substitute and supplemental positions for the 2020-2021 school year.