Loveland, Ohio – The Southwest Ohio Air Quality Agency (a division of Hamilton County Department of Environmental Services) has issued an Air Quality Alert for Butler, Clermont, Hamilton and Warren counties in Ohio and Boone, Campbell and Kenton counties in Kentucky.

ā€¢ Take the bus, carpool, bike or walk instead of driving
ā€¢ Refuel your vehicle after 8 p.m.; do not top off when refueling and tighten the gas cap
ā€¢ Avoid idling your vehicle
ā€¢ Combine trips or eliminate unnecessary vehicle trips
ā€¢ Keep your vehicle maintained with properly inflated tires and timely oil changes
ā€¢ Avoid use of gasoline-powered lawn equipment on Air Quality Alert days
ā€¢ Avoid use of oil-based paints and stains on Air Quality Alert days
ā€¢ Never burn leaves or other yard trimmings
ā€¢ Always burn clean, seasoned wood in outdoor fire pits, fireplaces and wood stoves
ā€¢ Do not use fire pits or fireplaces for non-essential home heating on Air Quality Alert days
ā€¢ Conserve electricity

For more information, visit

If you want more information on the air quality forecast, or other aspects of the local air quality program, contact your local air quality agency using the information above. For more information on the U.S. EPA’s AIRNow Program, visit

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Wednesday, Sep 11: 105 AQI Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Ozone

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