CDC Director Robert Redfield

The Loveland Board of Education voted unanimously on Wednesday to fully re-open schools. During their discussion, we heard repeatedly how the devil’s daily details are not yet known because staff and administrators are waiting for advice and guidelines from various local, State, and Federal agencies that have yet to be released. (In unanimous vote Loveland Board of Education approves reopening plan)

Chris Wallace asks Education Secretary Betsy DeVos if she has authority to pull funding from schools that donā€™t reopen and about safely re-opening schools

Meanwhile, we find out today as Bianca Quilantan reports in Politico that the White House is blocking CDC officials from testifying next week at a hearing on reopening schools.

Separately, the CDC confirmed that more guidance for opening schools won’t be released until later this month. The report was expected to already be available.

House Education and Labor Committee Chair Bobby Scott (VA-03) had invited CDC Director Robert Redfield, or a designee, to testify before the Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary Education Subcommittee on July 23 at a hearing on safely reopening schools.

CNN’s Dana Bash speaks to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos about whether or not she has a plan for schools to safely reopen for students as Covid-19 cases surge in the US.

Scott asked Redfield to discuss the immediate needs of K-12 public schools as many districts, including Loveland, Ohio schools, prepare to reopen in a few weeks.

ā€œIt is alarming that the Trump Administration is preventing the CDC from appearing before the Committee at a time when its expertise and guidance is so critical to the health and safety of students, parents, and educators,ā€ Scott said in a statement to Politico. ā€œThis lack of transparency does a great disservice to the many communities across the country facing difficult decisions about reopening schools this fall.ā€

Ohio’s COVID 19 DASHBOARD today at 7:48 AM

Aides, speaking on background, said the committee was told that Redfield would not appear, at the direction of the White House according to Politico.

Science and evidence-based resources and tools could provide additional information for administrators, teachers and staff, parents, caregivers and guardians in Loveland, as they work towards the public health-oriented goal of safely opening schools this fall.

House Education and Labor Committee Chair Bobby Scott

Scott released this statement on Friday:

ā€œSchool reopening plans must be guided by the advice of public health experts. For that reason, we asked the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to testify in a public hearing to provide greater clarity on the steps we can take to help schools reopen safely.

ā€œIt is alarming that the Trump administration is preventing the CDC from appearing before the Committee at a time when its expertise and guidance is so critical to the health and safety of students, parents, and educators. This lack of transparency does a great disservice to the many communities across the country facing difficult decisions about reopening schools this fall.Ā 

ā€œThe administrationā€™s strategy of prioritizing politics over science has had a devastating impact on our country throughout this pandemic. It should not make that same mistake when it comes to reopening schools.ā€

Hamilton County COVID 19 Dashboard today at 7:55 AM


Ohio Public Health Advisory System The Public Health Advisory Alert System is a color-coded system designed to supplement existing statewide orders through a data-driven framework to assess the degree of the virusā€™ spread and to engage and empower individuals, businesses, communities, local governments, and others in their response and actions. (7-18-2020)


Warren County COVID 19 Dashboard today at 8:02 AM


Clermont County COVID 19 Dashboard today at 8:02 AM