To gauge the interest among businesses and property owners

Loveland, Ohio –  City Manager, David Kennedy, will be holding an informational meeting on the Ohio State Historic Preservation Office’s Certified Local Government Program (CLG). The meeting is Wednesday August 5, at 7 PM at Loveland City Hall, 120 W. Loveland Avenue.

loveland-sweetsThe purpose of the meeting is to provide information on the CLG program to gauge the interest among business and property owners.

The Certified Local Government program, which is administered by the Ohio History Connection, requires communities to meet specific program requirements to become a CLG community. These requirements include the creation of a commission and regulations to register and oversee historic properties within the community specifically designed to protect historic resources.

There are currently 58 CLG communities in the State of Ohio including the following area communities:

  • Cincinnati
  • Glendale
  • Hamilton
  • Lebanon
  • Springboro
  • Montgomery
  • Waynesville
  • New Richmond

Kennedy said that the benefits of the CLG program include assuring that historic structures are properly protected, they are eligible for CLG grant funding, and the granting of Historic Tax Credits for eligible developments.

For more information about the CLG program, contact David Kennedy, City Manager, at 707-1454 or by email at




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