Clermont County, Ohio – Due to the federal, state and county declarations of emergency in response to the current outbreak and health risk of community spread, the Clermont County Veteran Service Commission (CCVSC) will adhere to the following protocol their office business until the declaration of emergency is recalled by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine.

  1. All VA Medical transportation from the CCVSC will be suspended effective immediately until further notice.
    • Contact your VA provider and ask about telehealth, video health or re-scheduling options that may be available to you.
  1. NO WALK-INS will be authorized and the office will be closed for in-person visits.
    • Commission employees will remain working but they ask that all business be handled remotely by telephone or email. Signatures will be obtained through “curb side drive thru” on a case by case basis as directed by your Service Officer.
    • A lockbox has been placed in the lobby of the Heritage Building, 76 S. Riverside Dr., Batavia, for dropping off Emergency Financial Assistance applications and any VA paperwork for your Service Officer. You will receive a phone call within 24-48 hours from your Service Officer with further details.

The Clermont County Veterans Service Commission will still conduct business through normal business hours by telephone and email communications. Examples of work that will be conducted while under this state of emergency are the following:

  1. Emergency Financial Assistance
  2. Intent to File, Compensation Claims (if time sensitive), Appeals. If you have any questions or concerns; or if a unique situation develops that you need assistance with, do not hesitate to reach out to the Clermont County Veterans’ Service Commission to see if they can assist you in your time of need.

They encourage the community to remain vigilant and proactive by using preventive measures and proper hygiene procedures during this time.

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