A surgical mask and an N95 mask hang on display for sale at a pharmacy. Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images.

BY:Ā JAKE ZUCKERMAN and Ohio Capital Journal

More than 3,000 Ohioans per day are contracting COVID-19 on average, the highest the rate has been since early February.

Over the last month, hospitalizations increased by between 83% and 375% by age group, according to data from the Ohio Hospital Association.

As children go back to school, more students are testing positive. Comparing the week of July 4 with the week of August 25, COVID-19 infections leapt by 909% among all Ohioans and 827% among school-age Ohioans, according to separate data from the Ohio Department of Health.

While vaccination has modestly picked up pace, Ohioā€™s coverage sags well below the national average. About 52% of the state has received at least one vaccine dose, compared to 61% nationally, according to a New York Times data tracker. Only 12 states have a lower rate.

The stateā€™sĀ hottest spots for infectionĀ are toward the southern border, where the vaccination rate sits between 30% and 40%.

All told, more than 65,000 Ohioans have been hospitalized with COVID-19. More than 20,700 have died.

ā€œWith many districts going back to school last week, the number of illnesses from Monday, Aug. 23 is troubling,ā€ said ODH Director Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff in a news release. ā€œAs students statewide continue to return to their classrooms, this high figure should be yet another indicator to parents and families that the best protection from COVID-19 is for those 12 and older to choose to be vaccinated, and for those who arenā€™t vaccinated to wear masks.ā€

JAKE ZUCKERMAN is a statehouse reporter. He spent three years chronicling the West Virginia Legislature for The Charleston Gazette-Mail after covering cops and courts for The Northern Virginia Daily.