The Loveland’s Historic Preservation and Planning Commission has voted to allow the demolition of this home at 200 Railroad Avenue.

Loveland, Ohio – Not many stories that we have published in our 20-year history has generated more FaceBook comments than the story we first broke on October 16 about resident Deidre Hazelbaker appealing the decision by Loveland’s Historic Preservation and Planning Commission to allow the demolition of a home in Historic Downtown.

Demolition of historic home in Lovelandā€™s Historic District under appeal


MORE BACKGROUND: Six, three-story apartments proposed adjacent to Nisbet Park on Loveland Bike Trail


Kat Hennessey I wonder if they know that every square inch of the place doesnā€™t need to be developed

Marian HuntKat HennesseyĀ no they don’t. Strip every inch & build build build.

Marian Hunt They threw in a turn lane & a parking lot & you still can’t drive thru Loveland. Traffic is horrible.

Natalie Nicole Oh yes letā€™s keep over developing, building things people can hardly afford, & erasing all signs of the past. Such a stellar idea!

Zachary Hunt Stop building apartments.

Barb Van Orsdel GREED!!!! Another piece of our history demolished!!!! My friends home on Montgomery Rd, in Montgomery, built in 1803, part of the “Underground Railroad”, demolished last week!!! And so it goes…History vs Greed!!!

Kimberly Geiger Niehaus …and where are these proposed renters going to park??? Leave Historic Loveland alone!!!

Jennifer Armour Blust Nor more apartments! We have too many!

Birtha Mae Hutchinson Loveland has lost enough of the hometown I grew up in and loved telling everyone where I grew up! People have absolutely no idea what it was like back in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s when you talk to them about Loveland. I was Proud to grow up there! It’s really sad what has become of our small town

Krista Lynn Ruff And where is everyone going to park ?

Eric Bee Apartments as far as the eye can see!

Michael Kean It’s even got a historic skylight!

Laurie Cione Just leave it be

Austin Dean Harris Nooooo we canā€™t even get through the roads at the moment in Lovelandā€¦ it canā€™t handle the traffic

Donald Dunford What we need in Loveland, is some memories of the way Loveland us to look like, and not money signs in the city’s eyes. Some town’s keep some Historic sites Historic. When the memory’s are gone what’s left.

Megan Jackson Hook Respectfully to all the commenters and to Ms. Hazelbaker, I’m just curious if the owner of the building is getting a payout that is hard to say “no” to, and that by designating this building an historic one puts their personal choice at risk. Just a thought. I actually love this building – it’s adorable. And it does keep our “old town” appeal for sure. But just trying to look at it from the owner’s point of view. I wouldn’t want to tell someone that they couldn’t sell their property.

Will Dartnall Megan Jackson HookĀ agree!

Deidre Evans Hazelbaker Megan Jackson HookĀ I fully respect the property rights of the owner and their ability to sell or develop 200 Railroad Avenue. However, itā€™s important to note that the property is located within Lovelandā€™s historic district, which was designated in 2015, and is recognized as a contributing structure. When John Hill purchased the property in February 2021, these guidelines were already in place. While the sale or development of the property is possible, any changes must comply with the preservation guidelines established to maintain the historical character of the district.

Megan Jackson Hook Deidre Evans HazelbakerĀ Duly noted! Thank you so much, truly, for educating me on the process. I am hoping that they can come to a solution that meets the guidelines that were put in place to maintain the integrity and charm of our little town.

Deidre Evans Hazelbaker Agree. I appreciated your concern. It is always good to look at things from multiple angles.

Sherry Hamlin Megan Jackson Hook It should also be noted that the owner of this building is not a ā€œprivate residentā€. It is Infuse Holding, a John Hill Company. As part of the justification for why it doesnā€™t make financial sense to renovate, theyā€™ll pay themselves $36,600. To this I say, huh?!

So as a comparison, if I renovate my own home for $50k, but I pay myself $36k to serve as the general contractor, was it a $50k renovation, or a $86k renovation?
All I really did was move money from one bank account to another.


Megan Jackson Hook Sherry HamlinĀ I wish I understood the intricacies of this kind of transaction. Like I said, I just hope that I can reach an amicable conclusion.

Karen Arnett I sure hope that the appeal effort succeeds in preserving the building

Larry Wallace Looks like a nice little 2 apartment building to me


Bill Stewart It seems more out ot place than the monstrosity across the street.

Cincy Brit Canā€™t they put these cheap stacked shoebox apartments somewhere else. Maybe where thereā€™s a declining strip mall. Taking down historical buildings destroys the charm that draws people to Loveland.

Jason Gulbrandson Here, have some government

Cindy Ludlow Donā€™t build it!

Traci Ballinger Butrum Oh wow! Totally trying to ruin historic downtown!

Logan Thomas I think many dont realize Loveland doesnā€™t have an industry tax base like mason for example. Loveland is very heavy residential and therefor taxes are high and city encourages new developments.

John Hoin Logan ThomasĀ Landscaping is pretty much the official industry of Loveland.

Steve Smith I’d like to know how much it sold for. What if the city of Loveland offered to buy the house and land or a group of people to prevent it from being torn down and turned into another apartment complex?

Halie Suzy Rebeccaschild Deidre, what do you think of a cooperative ownership? How about a new building for a new organization that takes historic conservation seriously. How does the Loveland Historical Conservancy sound?

Catherine Monceaux Demolition should have never been granted without the committee first having an architecture firm complete a feasibility study and assessment of the current home so that they have an accurate understanding of all options to restore and associated costs. To approve demolition of a historically significant building without doing basic due diligence first is irresponsible, especially on the part of a historic preservation committee whose job it is to protect this building.

Andrew Bateman Catherine MonceauxĀ who should pay the cost for a feasibility study?

Catherine Monceaux Andrew BatemanĀ The Commission. Itā€™s their job to preserve and protect buildings deemed historically significant.

Doug Tieman the current fire station in down town will be next

Because of the new fire station more modern etc
Wonder what that property will become ļæ¼
At the corner of main

Jim Fatsy There isnā€™t any old Loveland! They are trying to be the next Oakley/Hyde Park!

Erik Snider Milford has the same problem.

Dean Osborne Why not do a traffic study add those cars in there you go more traffic in downtown it’s like putting 50lbs in a 5 lb bag it won’t work I blame the city council on this why not concentrate on the Loveland Madeira corridor that’s how most of them got put on council

Kathy Bryan Lyttle They keep going and there won’t be any more “old” in Loveland

Karen Ryba Garbarino They are building on west Loveland by the State Farm office. I believe they are putting 3 apartments there. If the ones they want to build in the location of this yellow house are similar, it is not at all appropriate for this location. They are tall and modern with front garages.

Amber Dawn Karen Ryba Garbarino I bet it is

Kathy Bryan Lyttle Karen Ryba GarbarinoĀ and that location is just asking for trouble

Erin Harper Karen Ryba GarbarinoĀ those are townhouses for sale … $849,000……

Brenda Lindner Erin HarperĀ 4 townhomes

Amy Hanifen-Simon Erin HarperĀ thatā€™s crazy high and you get to overlook the worst part of town for that money lol

Sharon Charlie Martin Yep…just as expected…money talks. Promote the city as an old historic city…then tear down history in the name of progress…these developers would level the whole city if we let them. This is why Milford is eons ahead of Loveland in attracting new businesses and residents.

Halie Suzy Rebeccaschild Sharon Charlie MartinĀ Thereā€™s something about Loveland that attracts parasitic opportunism.

John Hoin Sharon Charlie MartinĀ Is it though?

Jeremy Mitchell John HoinĀ yes

Debbie Atkins Harvey No more apartments!! Save old Loveland!!!

Emily McAtee Egan Loveland does not need anymore complexes. It can barely handle the # of residents now

Amy Brown-Prather Emily McAtee Egan exactly!!! Moved here 17 years ago because it had small town feel/ charm not anymore. Ā canā€™t go anywhere near downtown Loveland on the weekend

Erik Snider Emily McAtee EganWe no longer go there because it’s impossible to find parking.

Emily McAtee Egan Erik SniderĀ It is! Even with the new parking lot, it’s even worse

Natalie Elizabeth So keep taking away the charm that is Loveland? I’ve lived here all my life, and while I adore the businesses in original buildings, the new excess is gross, the parking a nightmare, and the apartments are an eye sore! Stop!

Darlene Turner No More!! They are destroying Historic Loveland!! Thank God someone is fighting for our town!!

Mary Ann Crawford Please do not destroy any more great memories of Old Loveland. I stay away from Loveland on weekends.

Cris Jordan NO!!! Places like these small, unique, historic homeskeep Loveland charming! Think of all the traffic and havoc this will create!!! There will be no place to park and enjoy this unique little town!

Brian Brokaw Its all about the money

Robin Cox Geohegan Please, don’t erase even more of the history in our town. No more apartments “downtown”

Steve Smith We need a protest

Tracy Eaton Sounds like big cluster F

Darlene Turner Who is on this committee? To just tear down historical houses?? Where can we see this. And are they voted in there??

Bill Hickman Probably some wealthy yuppie wants to build a 7 story town house.

Erik Snider Bill Hickman Bingo

Don Tillery Six unit apartment will need 12 parking spots and be available to only renters with extra $$$ or an expensive Airbnb. Why would people who are part of a historic society want apartments over history?

Bob Pauly Itā€™s a shame that the roots of historical Loveland is being replaced by generic everywhere structures.

Christopher Smith John Hill greed+ Loveland’s greed= more apartments, bad traffic,& poor quality of life for the citizens of Loveland.

This is literally the worst place in Loveland to build apartments.


Lou Lehnhoff More apartments = more burden on schools

Jeremy Mitchell Lou LehnhoffĀ also police, and fire and rescue.

Sharon Senters Burton Iā€™m am not only a resident of 24 years in Loveland but also a Realtor and we are real estate investors as well! We always try to keep the character and add more benefits for the neighborhood that we flip in. Looking for our next investment property! Iā€™d love to do the same here. Loveland is known for its history and downtown charm. We need to preserve more of that!!

Halie Suzy Rebeccaschild Bring your wallet to the meeting on 10/30. We are starting a new political action committee.

Please let your connections know,Ā MikeĀ Deidre.


Scott Nordheim Loveland government has destroyed the place

Cassie Wolfe Cote Noooo!


Adam Noschang Typical lol

Jamie B Pritchard How can we be a part of this discussion? Is there someone we can contact or a meeting to attend?

Deidre Evans Hazelbaker Jamie B PritchardĀ The appeal regarding the demolition of a historic home in Lovelandā€™s historic district will take place on October 30th at 5:30 pm at Loveland City Hall. You can signup to speak on the sheet when you walk in. If you can’t make it, message me. I am collecting letters.

Carolann Luider Jamie B PritchardĀ please do not let any more historic areas be destroyed we already lost so much with the two apartments we have now and the train being stopped when they bought near the tracks we truly lost the small historic town we moved here for and the attraction was a part of the success of the bike trail and the home town shops and restaurants and sports bars. We already made almost in possible for the seniors who lived and loved this town to come due to parking if you a find near the restaurants possible handicap spots are very few and the new parking is not really handy for handicap people to use all the areas for shopping and eating the spots by the old train station right in the heart of town are not marked for seniors which would we the perfect area. The historic places and events and places made our town do not destroy what made what we are today

Brook Drummond

Good – we need to preserve our history. I was so sad to see what happened to the Sweet Shop.
Karen Hoffmann Hay Brook DrummondĀ what happened to the Sweet Shop? Is this the store next to Paxtons or closer to the bike path?

Halie Suzy Rebeccaschild Mark your calendars! The appeal regarding the demolition of a historic home in Lovelandā€™s historic district will take place on October 30th at 5:30 pm at Loveland City Hall.

I always suspect meetings are scheduled by those in favor of development at the most inconvenient times purposely to discourage community input.
The 5:30 time on a weekday may be difficult for some, but we hope youā€™ll make every effort to be there to pack the room and hall.
Your presence could make a difference. If you canā€™t attend, consider writing a letter to be read at the meeting.
After the meeting, Iā€™m organizing residents in favor of a fresh city council to start a local political action committee for the purpose of electing Loveland Council members interested in conservation of whatā€™s left of historic buildings and green spaces.
Bring a fresh $10 or $20 to be among founding members. (Other payment methods accepted.)

Ellen Mershon

So when do we stop calling it historic Loveland?
Mike Lieser Ellen MershonĀ , oh it’s history……
Ellen Mershon “The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America’s Man-Made Landscape” ~ James Howard Kunstler is an interesting read. We keep giving away our identity one bulldozer at a time.

Wendy Warner Ransom The report confirms it’s an old house in bad shape. It does not address viability of repair. Would it be expensive and challenging, sure, but it’s possible. It’s also biased since it was done by the people who want to demolish.

Regardless, the proposed apartments do not fit the aesthetic of the area. Might as well put in a glass and steel high rise. It will stick out like a sore thumb. Why can’t something more sympathetic to the old town vibe be designed? A historic face with and updated interior would be fantastic.
Robert Schille Wendy Warner RansomĀ Wendy, both my wife and me moved to Loveland back in 2006. The downtown portion of Loveland is much different from today. The first half dozen years, downtown was a more easy paced, quiet place to go to. Parking was easy to find and much easier to navigate through downtown. We used to walk the bike trail on Saturday afternoons. We stopped doing this over five years ago, instead we travel over to Terrace Park’s portion of the bike trail. There is so much high octane activity on weekends anymore. We also refuse to pay for parking. The only time now that I even consider driving to downtown to use the trail is during the weekday mornings. I know that this is not directly related to this story, though it is related
Halie Suzy Rebeccaschild Wendy, (If youā€™re a resident,) I hope youā€™ll consider speaking at the meeting. Every resident voice matters.

Michael J Head

Historic? What makes it historic? The fact that it is old and run down? Did George Washington sleep there? Ā Not every old dump is historic. Real estate is there to serve the needs of those alive TODAY. As far as I am concerned so called preservationist (virtue signalling nags) should have to raise the money to buy it and maintain it. They should not be allowed to interfere with the property rights of the owners.
Robert Schille Michael J HeadĀ Every person that is a Loveland resident has the right to voice their opinion on this issue, whether or not they are preservationists. While I am on it, I will voice my suggestion. Every developer that is responsible for overcrowding communities such as Loveland for the purpose of Greed, should be forced to take up residence in the same place that they create overcrowded conditions. Let them experience the same living conditions. Overcrowded roads and schools, having to pay property taxes in order to fix the problems resulting from being overcrowded.
Sharon Mitchell Scovanner Michael J Head, the city of Loveland has said that the downtown area is historic. You may have seen the signs around town that say ā€˜historic downtownā€™ Loveland. Additionally, there is a specific ā€˜historic districtā€™ that has special protections. This structure was deemed as a ā€˜contributing structureā€™ within the historic district which requires the owner to maintain the building. When buying property, any prospective buyer should do their due diligence to determine if there are restrictions.
Sara Skierkiewicz That’s what downtown Loveland needs…another apartment building.
Sharon Mitchell Scovanner ThanksĀ Loveland MagazineĀ for getting the word out on this property! Plan to attend or write a letter to let the committee know your thoughts.
Dean Osborne I’m surprised they havent torn down the city hall and the fire house to put up more of the nasty condos
Autumn Beverly That’s disgusting. Too many apartments in Loveland already over-congesting the whole town. Way to ruin the trail too.
Steve Smith Imagine a 3 story apartment complex right there in the middle of RR Avenue
Steve Smith My suggestion is to instead tear down Loveland Station and replace it with lovingly reconstructed building from our historic past.
Meranda Leigh South Steve SmithĀ right! My grandparents owned all the land that is now 1500 apartments. And the building that we called the bishop building but where tanos is. I have watched as they destroyed and ā€œmodernizedā€ every good memory and everything that made this town Loveland.
Kennadee Hesse How in the hell are they going to fit apartments there? Absolutely not needed
Meranda Leigh South Kennadee HesseĀ right as if parking isnā€™t bad enough, they want to add congestion? I guess Iā€™m going to start going to city hall meetings and I suggest we all do.
Meranda Leigh South They need to stop. Can we not have anything that reminds of us how Loveland used to be?
Claudia Stars Who’s bright idea was it to add apartments to the busiest place in town, let alone a historic place? I love Loveland for it’s openness and nature, not the 4 story complexes blocking the skies and destroying trees and historic sites…lord above this is terrible.
Debbie Roach Meyer Terrible proposal. Look what happen to Montgomery. Character and history lost forever.
Alesha Marie Cossentino Leave historical Loveland alone. Whatā€™s left of it
Lori Ashmore-Wittwer Horrible idea! This sucks!!! I wish Loveland would stop tearing down historical homes and buildings and building more apartmentsā€¦.sad
Victoria Elizabeth Stop developing loveland. I’m only about to be 30 years old and the town I once loved is just about gone.

Shelley King Itā€™s all about MONEY with these greedy developers. I grew up in Loveland and would like nothing more than to move back there when I retire. But with current home prices there, itā€™s not even a possibility.

These developers are trying to cash-in on the appeal of being a Loveland resident, but part of that appeal is itā€™s historic charm!
Shame on them for holding the almighty dollar above historic relevance.
Catherine Steele-Trickey I hope this building gets saved. Historic Loveland is losing all its history. What makes Loveland special is slowly getting destroyed due to greed. I am honestly in shock that John Hill Construction is a part of this. I wish they would volunteer their time and effort to help restore that building instead of tear it down. Very disheartening to hear of this.
Charity Kuzuhara People come from all over to enjoy Lovelandā€™s many historical and natural gifts. Tearing this building down and other historical structures will pave the way for the end of the charm that Loveland used to have. I remember that an identical house used to stand right next to this one, but it was torn down. We canā€™t get that history back.
Diane Hensley Can you move it?
Kristie Dunn I’ve always loved that little house. 6 units ? Sheesh.
Barbara Kuhn McClendon Do not destroy this. The apt bldg is for some this is for all too enjoy and remember when.

Dee Miller Loveland powers that be won’t be happy til all of downtown is a concrete jungle of apartments.

This explains why they hustled so much to install the new parking lot.
Nekisha Lanum It’s a shame what they’re doing to Loveland.
Mary Lee Karle Would be a great place to live
Megan Bowers Too much congestion!!
Joan Daunt-Wallace Stop the madness!
Joan Daunt-Wallace Goodbye old Loveland!
Harry Lofland It needs to be saved
Meranda Leigh South Harry LoflandĀ Iā€™ll see you all at the next city hall meeting?

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