Miami Townshio, Ohio – There is a small charge for materials at these two workshops at Epiphany United Methodist Church. Otherwise, if someone can’t pay there are scholarships available.

DivorceCare at Epiphany begins,
Mon., Nov 7th at 6:30 pm.  This class offers support and practical help for those considering divorce, going through divorce or are     already divorced.  The class is approximately 14 weeks.  Facilitator:  Dante Rainone.  For more information, contact Pastor Lisa Kerwin at

Stepfamily Dynamics Workshop
Beginning, Wed., Nov.  9th from 6:30 pm—8:00 pm.  This is a  4-week workshop conducted by Meg King, Certified Stepfamily Coach.  For more information contact Meg at

Epiphany is located at 6635 Loveland Miamiville Road.

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