Overnight Saturday a person or persons committed a hate and ethnic intimidationĀ crime at Withrow University High School, a member of the Eastern Cincinnati Conference (ECC), the athletic conference of the Loveland School District.

This is a fellow school thatĀ our high and middle school students compete with in bothĀ physical and academicĀ contests. Our children play with the children who attend Withrow. We go to WithrowĀ to play. They come to Loveland to play.

The exterior of the building, sidewalks, and athletic facility were spray painted with hateful words and symbols. Swastikas, racist andĀ homophobic slurs. Anti-Jewish words. The word ā€œTrumpā€ with threatening references to gays.

[pull_quote_left]By accepting membership in the ECC, all schools have implicitly pledged thatĀ whenĀ these children, their parents and teachers come to our gyms and classrooms, theyĀ will treatedĀ asĀ ourĀ own.Ā .[/pull_quote_left]By accepting membership in the ECC, all schools have implicitly pledged thatĀ when these children, their parents and teachers come to our gyms and classrooms, theyĀ will treatedĀ as ourĀ own.

Loveland Magazine condemns this act and calls onĀ Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and his Civil Rights Section to investigate the incident.

Loveland magazine calls on the ECC, the Loveland School District, all member schools, athletic directors and principalsĀ to requestĀ Ohio AttorneyĀ General Mike DeWine and hisĀ Civil Rights Section to investigate the incident. And, to condemn this act in the strongest possible terms rather than making it a kumbaya occasion.

Ask DeWine to see that theĀ criminals receiveĀ swift and sure justiceĀ and treat them like the vandals they are ā€“ allowing them noĀ hero stature.




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