by Shanda Gentry,

Once again the citizens of Loveland were denied, by three council members, the right to undertake the business of the city. This is the second meeting of 2017 where, from my perspective, the same three council members failed their oath to the citizens of Loveland.  Loveland Charter outlines that two council meetings are required to occur, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.

In researching the absences of councilmembers during the last four years, there has never been a time where three council members were missing for a monthly meeting.

  • There were only 3 times that 2 council members were out for a required charter council meeting

I also looked at what percentage of meetings councilmembers missed during their time on council (this specific calculation is the only way to determine what affect their absences has had on council) because a straight numbers calculation over different periods is not meaningful.  

  • Two council members have missed almost 17% of the required charter meetings, only one is currently on council ā€“ Steve Zamagias
  • One council member has NEVER missed a required charter council meeting ā€“ Kathy Bailey
  • Another council member has only missed one meeting in the last four years, the one where that absence caused a lack of quorum- Vice Mayor Angie Settell
  • Rob Weisgerber has missed 10% of meetings, Ted Phelps has missed 7.78% while Pam Gross has only missed 5.56% of required charter council meeting during the previous four years.

Based on this review I can am left to believe that only Politics played into the absence of three council members for one required by charter council meeting.  Loveland fails when the business of the city is disrupted by officials who sign a pledge to follow the Charter of our city and then fail to live up to that pledge.

Shanda Gentry is a twenty-year resident of Loveland

More Background:

Golladay says three blind mice Settell, Gross, and Zamagias must fully explain their absence immediately

No Council quorum ā€“ no meeting

Off and on again Council meeting for Tuesday?

City council no-shows: ā€œAlignment of planetsā€ or ā€œAct of political cowardice?ā€

Rob Weisgerber: ā€œTheir absence was intentional.ā€


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