Engaged learningā€¦ LHS has it!

LHS Teacher Jen Dell utilizes best practices to provide collaborative spaces that challenge students to achieve math skills through the use of technology.


Loveland, Ohio – Loveland High School (LHS) is proving that technology improves the teaching and learning experience and allows teachers and students to do more inside and outside of the classroom. With the 2015-16 school year, LHS refined its “bring your own device” structure as it evolves into a 1:1 learning environment for next school year ā€“ with many teachers integrating technology into classroom instruction almost daily, and students having the ability to take their device outside the building to learn.

[quote_box_left]ā€œThe bottom line is that technology allows teachers and students to do things in the classroom never before possible from the teaching and learning perspective,ā€ said David Knapp, district director of technology[/quote_box_left].ā€œThe bottom line is that technology allows teachers and students to do things in the classroom never before possible from the teaching and learning perspective,ā€ said David Knapp, district director of technology. ā€œOur continued growth and ability to access technology allows teachers to focus on the individual needs of each of our students, and continue the teaching even when students leave the classroom.ā€

ā€œThe immediate feedback that Math XL delivers to the students has been extremely beneficial,ā€ said LHS Teacher Katie Byrkett. ā€œStudents have tools within the program to give them immediate help and allows them the practice they need to understand the math concepts.

ā€œAdditionally, Google Sheets have allowed my students to share data and run basic statistics much quicker, which allows them more time to analyze the data. It also offers a location to store the data if we need it for the next day. Google Classroom not only allows students to collaborate amongst [quote_box_right]ā€œKatie and Jen are teachers who put student achievement at the heart of their lessons,ā€ said Innovative Instructional Coach Brian Conatser.[/quote_box_right]themselves, it also allows me to manage and participate in the collaboration ā€“ even to the point of recording verbal feedback.ā€

ā€œScreencasting, or recording an audio presentation with screenshots, has allowed me to be present in the classroom, even when I am not,ā€ said LHS Teacher Jen Dell. ā€œI know there are lots of videos available to students on different topics, but I feel like when they hear my voice and know I am the one behind the screencasts, they are more engaged in the lesson. Ā It also allows students to go back and revisit material at their own pace.ā€

ā€œKatie and Jen are teachers who put student achievement at the heart of their lessons,ā€ said Innovative Instructional Coach Brian Conatser. ā€œEach uses best practice instructional strategies that challenge and encourage their students to excel. By being an active participant in each studentā€™s education, Katie and Jen meet students where they are and embed engaging lessons utilizing technology to enhance the learning process.ā€





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