by David Miller
Loveland, Ohio – There is no better time than now to give back to your local community and that’s just what the Loveland Police Department and the Loveland Citizens Police Academy Alumni invite you to do this Saturday!
On Saturday, July 17th at the Loveland Madeira Kroger the two local organizations invite all area residents to their 9thannual Annual “Stuff-a-Cruiser” Food Drive, in order to benefit Loveland’s LIFE Food Pantry.
The event will be held from 9 AM until to 1 PM at the Loveland Kroger, 800 Loveland-Madeira Road.
You can clean out your own pantry and drop off non-perishable food donations or while in the store, purchase some extra items to put in the cruiser on your way home – to literally stuff a police cruiser full! Actually as you go in, ask what items they would like you to shop for and buy a whole bunch!
During the Summer months, the LIFE Food Pantry tends to get very low on food supplies because there are so many families that are at home (school is out which means no school lunch programs to fall back on) and in need of nutrition. This is why both the LPD and Loveland Citizens Police Academy sponsor the Annual “Stuff-a-Cruiser” specifically in the Summer.
Last year Peggy Goodwin, a member of the Loveland Citizens Police Academy, spent most of her day at the Food Drive event helping organize donations and couldn’t express enough how kind the community of Loveland is for the number of donations brought in!
Please enjoy the video interview below with Peggy Goodwin and Lt. Amy Campbell as well as the photo album from the Food Drive as I and Cassie Mattia did a little “stuffing” last Summer!
Keep in mind that the Pantry is now in their new location next to the Loveland Library, not in their previous location that Goodwin describes in this video. (541 Loveland-Madeira Road, Loveland, Ohio 45140 (513) 583-8222)
If you would like to donate food items or learn how you can get access to food benefits for you and your family go to Thank you once again Loveland for being a community filled with LOVE!