Guest Column

by John Becker,

On October 26th, Loveland Magazine published, Patricia Lawrence: I’m running because our community deserves effective leadership. My liberal Democrat opponent repeatedly misrepresented, mischaracterized, fabricated, and twisted facts beyond recognition. But hey, that can be expected from a desperate politician.

John Becker has been serving as the State Representative for Ohio’s 65th House District since January 2013. It includes the cities of Milford and Loveland (inside Clermont County) and the townships of Union, Miami, Goshen, Stonelick, and Wayne.

Rather than picking apart her statements and correcting the record line-by-line, I’m going to reintroduce myself and then compare and contrast our positions and values:

It is my honor and privilege to serve as your State Representative. I’ve been involved with the Clermont County Republican Party since 1993, served southern Ohio as a State Committeeman for the Ohio Republican Party from 2004-2012, and I’ve been a member of the Ohio General Assembly since January 2013.

My MBA, with an emphasis in Taxation, was earned at Xavier University. I also have a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management with a minor in Psychology from Northern Kentucky University. Additionally, I also hold a Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) designation, a school district treasurer’s license, and am a graduate of the Union Township Citizens Police Academy.

I am running for re-election to continue being a champion in Columbus for our shared conservative values. My platform is very simple: Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Limited Government, and Lower Taxes.

With a 30-year career in the private sector, my experience has spanned four major industries including Manufacturing, Health Care Insurance, Banking/Financial, and Charter Education. The companies I’ve worked for include household names like GE, Ford, MetLife, Prudential, Provident Bank, Fifth Third Bank, and Check ‘n Go. I’ve held positions such as supervisor, manager of health care information systems, senior financial analyst, finance officer, assistant vice president, business analyst, and treasurer.

I am running for re-election to continue being a champion in Columbus for our shared conservative values. My platform is very simple: Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Limited Government, and Lower Taxes.

Endorsements are a key indicator of a candidate’s values and effectiveness. My growing list are as follows:

Party Endorsements

  • Clermont County Republican Party
  • Ohio Republican Party

Business Endorsements

  • NFIB Ohio – National Federation of Independent Business (small business)
  • Ohio Chamber of Commerce
  • The Ohio Society of CPAs
  • Ohio Valley Associated Builders and Contractors ABC-PAC
  • Ohio State Medical Association PAC
  • 2018 Ohio Farm Bureau “Friend of Agriculture”
  • Ohio State Chiropractors Association
  • Cincinnati Area Board of REALTORS® and the Ohio REALTORS®

Pro-Life and Grass Roots Values Voters Endorsements

  • Cincinnati Right to Life – PAC
  • Ohio Right to Life – PAC
  • Ohio Value Voters
  • Family First PAC
  • Janet Folger Porter
  • “Very Conservative” from iVoterGuide. (This is their highest rating.)

Gun Voters

  • NRA with the highly exclusive A+ rating
  • Buckeye Firearms PAC with the highly exclusive A+ rating
  • Ohioans for Concealed Carry (OFCC)

TEA Party, Liberty, and Tax Voters

  • Ohio Citizens PAC
  • Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio
  • Coalition Opposed to Additional Sending and Taxes (COAST)

Military and Veterans Voters

  • “Highly Recommended” by Ohio Veterans United

In contrast, my liberal Democrat opponent boasts of her endorsements by a collective of labor unions, gun control, and left-wing, pink hat-wearing, feminist pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood.

If the people of Clermont County want to continue winning with a pro-life, pro-gun, fiscal conservative, they will send me back to Columbus.

If the people of Clermont County are tired of winning, they will vote for my liberal Democrat opponent. If they want to continue winning with a pro-life, pro-gun, fiscal conservative, they will send me back to Columbus.

To learn more about me and my candidacy for state representative, please visit my website at If you’d like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, The Becker Report, email me at

Election Day is quickly approaching. I’m a conservative Republican who is vetted, tested, and proven. I humbly ask for your vote on November 6, 2018.



  1. So interesting how Mr. Becker gave us his educational and private sector resume but no mention of what he’s done in Columbus for the last six years. The reason, I’m guessing, is because he has one enacted law (2013) with his name as a sponsor (with Representative Grossman). It was about the use of suppressors (silencers) for hunting, concealed carry, and definition of assualt rifles. Mr. Becker has introduced 43 bills. Of 43 Becker Bills only one has made it out of committee in a Republican controlled state house. His bills are so fringe that even Republicans don’t support him! He also took $10,000 from the Payday Lending Lobby then voted NO to payday lending reform. He was one of the two people (92-2) who voted against additional funding to resource officers in schools. He must earn our vote, not just run on party affiliation. Mrs. Lawrence you have my vote as you will represent the people not special interest groups, bring money back to our district for education and advocate for affordable healthcare.

  2. John Becker is another bought politician who is against working families including those in Labor Unions. He’s against affordable healthcare including citizens with pre-existing conditions. He has been an ineffective representative for the people of Clermont County. John Becker stood by as money we need here in our county for services and schools, became surpluses in Columbus and pocketed in the failed private ECOT school program. He fails to represent anything more than the far right wing of the GOP without a hint of compromise. And his Becker doctrine, shows exactly how out of touch he is with reality of facts in our county. Research. Then decide if change is needed for Clermont County

  3. Another politician who is more interested in labels and name calling than he is in governing for all constituents. Idealogical and individual victories are more important to him than making our community better and getting things done. Exactly what we don’t need.

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