Student-artists from LECC, LPS and LES created work that was on display for the community at Loveland Art Studios on Main in December 2017.

Loveland, Ohio – Student-artists at Loveland Early Childhood Center (LECC), Loveland Primary School (LPS) and Loveland Elementary School (LES) took center stage in December at Loveland Art Studios on Main for the second annual Loveland Winter Art Show.

“It was a huge turnout of students, families and community members,” said LES Art Teacher Jeff Flaig who helped organize the exhibit along with LECC Art Teacher John Hentz and LPS Art Teacher Kayla McClary. “My favorite part of the event is always seeing student artwork displayed from floor to ceiling and how amazing and colorful everything looks. Seeing students and parents light up at the sight of the work makes the whole event worthwhile.

“We also want to give a special thanks to Shawn Custis for welcoming our schools and community into his building for this event. It’s amazing to see student work displayed in this professional art environment.” 

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