The Loveland City School District is a partner with the Loveland Initiative as the nonprofit organization prepares to set up its 20th Annual Christmas Toy Store. The Loveland Initiative’s Annual Toy Store makes the holiday experience a wonderful one for low-income parents by allowing them to shop for gifts at a nominal price. The Loveland Initiative uses the proceeds from the Christmas Toy Store to support programming and needs. Since 2001, the money raised has been used for the Tracy L. Johnson Scholarship Fund which assists a Loveland student to further his or her education.
You are welcome to drop off donations at any of the Loveland School District buildings during school hours through December 13.
Contact Mary Hensley (513-406-9098), Shionee Blust (e-mail [email protected]) or Executive Director Terri Rogers (513-739-2354 [email protected]) with any questions or concerns.