Loveland, Ohio – The Loveland City School District has earned a Five Star Overall Rating on the 2022-2023 Ohio School Report Card.

“A Five-Star Ohio School Report Card is a sign that Loveland is a high-quality school district providing an excellent education for our students. This accomplishment would not be possible without the hard work of our students, their families, and our staff,” Superintendent Mike Broadwater said.
Loveland is one of only 11 public school districts in the Cincinnati region of Hamilton, Butler, Warren, and Clermont Counties to receive an Overall Rating of Five Stars on the Ohio School Report Card.
In addition to the Overall Rating, the Ohio School Report Card measures five components: Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, Graduation, and Early Literacy. Loveland City School District earned five stars in every category except Early Literacy, where the district earned four stars. With five stars in every category except one, Loveland’s component ratings place the district in the top 6.6% of Ohio’s public school districts.
“We were incredibly close to achieving five stars in every category. The Early Literacy component of the Ohio School Report Card required an 88% score to achieve a five-star rating, and our final score was 86.6%. We are always looking for ways to improve serving our students, and early literacy will remain an area of focus,” Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Dr. Stace Puerta said.
“Our #beLOVEland Strategic Vision defines student success as pursuing academic excellence and creating career-ready, lifelong learners. The Ohio School Report Card results demonstrate that we are reaching that goal by exceeding state standards in every category,” Broadwater said.
You can view the Loveland City School District’s Ohio School Report Card results by following this link.