[quote_center]A story of growth: 2015-16 Quality Profile details student achievement, fiscal stewardship and community support[/quote_center]

Loveland, Ohio – More than $20 million student-scholarships earned; 1,800 plus Chromebooks and Androids tablets added for student learning district wide; seven additional AP courses established at Loveland High School (LHS) and increased STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) offerings at Loveland Middle School (LMS) and LHS – these are some of the highlights featured in Loveland’s 2015-16 Quality Profile, released September 14, and available at lovelandschools.org.
“As a district, we experienced significant growth in our academic offerings and technology integration during the 2015-16 school year, and the Quality Profile does an excellent job of capturing those achievements for our community to see,” said Loveland City School District Superintendent Chad Hilliker. “We had more than 150 students enroll in our STEM classes at LHS – that is outstanding. The learning opportunities extended to our staff with our new Loveland Learning Series. Our focus is on academic growth – and we want our community to know that.”
“Additionally, the Quality Profile celebrates the complete Loveland student experience, which encompasses an exceptional arts program, and premier athletics, along with the strong community bond we enjoy in Loveland,” said Hilliker.
Now in its fourth year, the Loveland City School District was one of more than 20 school districts throughout Ohio to release this companion to the state report card*. Called state wide, a Quality Profile, the report helps characterize the overall educational value of the district in areas that the districts believe matter most to community members. This year dozens of school districts throughout Ohio are releasing a Quality Profile, with accountability measures that outline “a high-quality education” including: academics, arts, student leadership and activities, fiscal stewardship, parent and community involvement and student services.
“Each year we experience growth in every area we report; each year we exceed the expectations I have for what we can accomplish by working together,” said Hilliker. “Reading the 2015-16 Quality Profile not only makes me proud to be a Tiger, but also adds to the excitement about what is to come for the students we serve.”
The Quality Profile is supported by the Alliance for High Quality Education, an education consortium that works to “improve educational opportunities for students and to speak for member districts on matters of educational policy and funding.”
[quote_center]Click here to access the Loveland City School District 2015-16 Quality Profile.[/quote_center]
[quote_center]*Click here to access the 2015-2016 State Report Card[/quote_center]
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