Loveland, Ohio – Loveland City Council will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at 5 PM at the Loveland Museum Center’s JoAnn Richardson History House, located at 201 Riverside Drive.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider legislation to declare a state of emergency in the City of Loveland due to the coronavirus disease outbreak. City Council will also consider any and all information or measures raised concerning the coronavirus pandemic and “the delivery of municipal services, and any other business as may properly come before the municipal body at the meeting may be considered and acted on.”

At the bottom of this story is the Resolution declaring a state of emergency that Council will consider.

Closure of City Buildings

The City also announced that effective at the end of business today, City Hall will be closed to the public. Below you can read the full press release about the delivery of City services.

City of Loveland Officials have been continually monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in coordination with the Hamilton, Clermont and Warren County Health Districts, State of Ohio, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Based on Governor Mike DeWine’s direction, effective immediately, the City will be operating with essential personnel only. The City will continue to provide essential services and our Police and Fire & EMS Departments will be operating at full capacity.

  • City Hall will be open on March 17th for election purposes only.
  • Effective at the end of business on March 16th, City Hall will be closed to the public except by appointment only with most City services being conducted electronically.
  • All City of Loveland Committee Meetings have been canceled until further notice.
  • Utility Payments can be made online at the City’s Website or by Clicking Here, or through the drive-up window or drop box at City Hall. If you have questions, call 513-707-1442

The Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) collects and distributes income tax for the City of Loveland. You may access their website at to e-File your return free of charge, download paper forms, and research frequently asked questions. Residents can pay online to RITA by logging into MyAccount or pay by phone at 800-860-7482. Please note that a 2.75 % service charge will be added to

payments made by credit cards. City of Loveland staff members are not available to

prepare your tax return at this time.

  • Building and Zoning Permits can be submitted via email at If you have questions, call 513-707-1447.
  • Although Police and Fire operations will continue un-interrupted, public access to the Safety Center will be by appointment only.
  • City Parks will remain open, although all restroom facilities will be closed to the public.
  • Public Works will be performing essential tasks only.
  • Rumpke will provide refuse and recycling services as normal.

    Please note that for any emergency situations, please call 911.

    For any and all questions; email This email will be monitored regularly.

    Please understand we take these steps out of abundance of caution for City employees and the General Public. We will take every step necessary to maintain City operations and continue City services during the pandemic. We greatly appreciate your patience.

    The City will continue to monitor developments related to the Coronavirus pandemic and will be updating you as information becomes available from our regional, state, and national agencies. A designated location on the City’s websites has been created with links to important relevant agencies. Click Here to go directly to that link.

    David Kennedy City Manager 513-707-1454

Resolution 2020-_____

Resolution declaring a state of emergency in the City of Loveland due to the coronavirus disease outbreak

WHEREAS, there has been an outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) across the United States of America and in the State of Ohio; and

WHEREAS, there have been multiple confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the State of Ohio; and

WHEREAS, the President of the United States Donald J. Trump has declared a national State of Emergency and the Governor of the State of Ohio, Michael Dewine, has declared a State of Emergency in Ohio (Executive Order 2020-OID) which, among other restrictions, has closed all schools in the State of Ohio and limits large indoor gatherings; and

WHEREAS, Governor DeWine’s Declaration follows the Center of Disease Control and Prevention “Interim Guidance,” recommending that all employers consider how best to decrease the spread of COVID-19, including the review of guidance from state and local health officials; and

WHEREAS, there is an urgent and immediate need to take emergency measures to maintain essential municipal operations, protect lives, homes, and property, and to ensure that basic needs of City residents are met.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Loveland, Hamilton, Clermont and Warren County, Ohio:

Section 1. That the City Council hereby declares that a State of Emergency exists in the City of Loveland, and invokes and declares those portions of the Ohio Revised Code which are applicable to the conditions and have caused the issuance of this resolution to be in full force and effect in the City of Loveland for the exercise of all necessary emergency authority for the protection of the lives and property of the people of the City of Loveland and the restoration of local government with minimal interruption.

Section 2. Any and all powers to be exercised by the City as authorized by Ohio Revised Code Chapter 5502 are permitted by passage of this Resolution and are incorporated herein by reference.

Section 3. Finds that as a result of the spread of COVID-19, pursuant to R.C. 735.051 a real and present emergency exists in the City of Loveland affecting the public health and safety of residents necessitating the purchase and acquisition of certain items and services by the City Manager to maintain essential municipal operations and deal with the present emergency without the requirement for competitive bidding, advertising and the pre-authorization of City Council.

Section 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to take any and all steps necessary to maintain order and control in the City of Loveland for the well-being, health and safety of residents.

Section 5. All public offices and employees of the City of Loveland are hereby directed to exercise the utmost diligence in the discharge of duties required of them for the duration of the


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emergency and in the execution of emergency laws, regulations, and directives, both federal, state and local.

Section 6. All citizens are called upon and directed to comply with necessary emergency measures to cooperate with public officials and emergency services personnel in executing emergency operational plans, and to obey and comply with the lawful direction of properly identified emergency services personnel.

Section 7. All operating forces and residents affected by such conditions should direct their communications and requests for assistance and operations directly to the City Manager.

Section 8: That the Council hereby finds and determines that all formal actions relative to the passage of this Resolution were taken in an open meeting of the Council, and that all deliberations of this Council and of its Committees, if any, which resulted in formal action, were taken in meetings open to the public, in full compliance with applicable legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.

Section 9: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after the earliest date allowed by law.

Approved as to Form:

_________________________ City Solicitor

Passed: ___________________

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