Father warns of illicit drugs cut with fentanyl in pill form

Loveland, Ohio – Tom Quehl is the co-founder of the Jack Quehl FoundationĀ and the father to Jack Quehl, who died of fentanyl poisoning in 2021. Jack Quehl was 24 years old. He and his wife, Stephanie Quehl, now share Jackā€™s story and othersā€™ to raise awareness.

Tom Quehl made an appearance on NewsNation with Kelsey KernstineĀ to discuss the rising prevalenceĀ of fentanyl laced pills.

ā€œWith the shortage of Adderall and Xanax out there, theyā€™re trying to fight depression or ADHD, and theyā€™re reaching out to the street, and theyā€™re finding drugs that are laced with fentanyl,ā€ Tom Quehl said. ā€œAnd if itā€™s not killing them ā€¦ theyā€™re getting something that has a different taste to it, and now they become an addict and a regular customer. And that spiral is something I donā€™t want to see.ā€

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