Freshmen class hear Nick Jacksonā€™s #IAmSPEAKLOVE presentation

It was a presentation for Tigers by a Tiger

Loveland, Ohio – Tuesday, March 20, Loveland High School (LHS) freshmen heard a message of love from LHS Class of 1998 Graduate Nick Jackson. The #IAmSPEAKLOVE message has been presented to almost one million students internationally, and helps students focus on respect and positive student-teacher communication, mental health issues and awareness, and suicide, self-harm and bullying prevention.

ā€œThis was a unique opportunity for our high school freshmen to hear from one of our own,ā€ said LHS Counselor Jamie Gordon. ā€œMr. Jackson presents a powerful message with breakout sessions we knew would be a perfect fit for our district My Voice, My Choice campaign. We are so excited he was able to return back home to join us!ā€

The belief that ā€˜Love Winsā€™ was birthed within the walls of Loveland High School.

ā€œComing back to Loveland and speaking in the main auditorium was an absolute honor,ā€ said Jackson. ā€œMy parents and the parents of my friends worked extremely hard for our families to afford the opportunities that Loveland has to offer. The belief that ā€˜Love Winsā€™ was birthed within the walls of Loveland High School, and during the presentation as a community we cried together, we laughed together and we ā€“ in unison ā€“ took one more step towards mental health and wholeness.ā€ 

The Loveland My Voice, My Choice campaign is designed to create a culture of kindness for students at all grade levels. Each year, each building in the district works to spread the My Voice, My Choice message in a variety of ways, including student recognition.

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