loveland-high-school-crestThis LOVELAND MAGAZINE TV video is from the annual Senior Awards Ceremony held at Loveland High School on May 14 when the Academic Top Ten Seniors and the schools they will attend wereĀ announced.

The program, continued last week,Ā with the announcement of local awards and scholarships; mostly scholarships given by local organizations. The recipients of those awards are listed below.

It was also announced at the end of the evening that the Class of 2015 was offered, as of May 14, $13,235,853.00 in college and other scholarships.

ACADEMIC TOP TEN FOR 2014-15 (Accurate as of May 14, 2015)

1 Ā Melissa Louis (Valedictorian) – Butler University

2 Ā Brittany Miller (Salutatorian)Ā –Ā The Ohio State University

3 Ā Lauren Schroer –Ā Purdue University

4 Ā Anna Wassel –Ā Emory University

5 Ā Isaac Vock –Ā Centre College

6 Ā Connor Wagner –Ā The Ohio State University

7 Ā Johan Harris –Ā The Ohio State University

8 Ā Corynne Swift –Ā Walsh University

9 Ā Alexander Bunk –Ā University of Cincinnati

10 Ā Alexander Myers –Ā Case Western Reserve University


The Loveland High School Class of 2015 for earned (to date) a total of $13,235,853 in scholarships.



Faculty members in each academic area have selected senior students who have performed with a high degree of excellence in a particular area throughout their high school career. The students have been active participants in the classroom and have gone “in depth” into the subject for which they will receive the Academic Award. Students receiving this high recognition have been selected by an evaluation of all facets of their performances.

Perseverance Award ā€“ Morgan Ward

Art ā€“ Mattingly Poole

English ā€“ Josephine Puchta

Foreign Language ā€“ Heidi Zimmer

Mathematics ā€“ Johan Harris

Music ā€“ Aaron Marshall

Science ā€“ Alexander Bunk

Social Studies ā€“ Zakary Kadish


Loveland High School and the National Merit Scholarship Foundation are proud to announce the names of our students who have demonstrated high potential for future academic attainment. Based upon outstanding PSAT results, we have three students who have been named as a National Merit Finalists: Alexander Myers, Lauren Schroer and Alexander Sganga.

Alexander Myers has been selected as a winner of the National Merit Siemens Scholarship. Pursuant to an agreement with National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), this Merit Scholarship award is sponsored by Siemens Foundation.

Lauren Schroer has been selected as a winner of the National Merit Luxottica Scholarship. Pursuant to an agreement with National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), this Merit Scholarship award is sponsored by Luxottica Retail North America, Inc. In addition, Lauren is being offered a college-sponsored Merit Scholarship award for the use at the institution that is financing it. The name of the Scholarship being offered is the National Merit Purdue University Scholarship.

Alexander Sganga is being offered a college-sponsored Merit Scholarship award for the use at the institution that is financing it. The name of the Scholarship the student is being offered is the National Merit Purdue University Scholarship.

We also have two students named as Commended Students. They are: Erin Glossop and Devin Lally.

Geneva Marr has been selected as a Winner of the Herff Jones Believe in You Scholarship and Principalā€™s Awards forĀ demonstrating ability to combine academic excellence and exemplary leadership in school and community activities.


The Mayerson Foundation offers a free text every year for high schools to recognize a student ā€“ or faculty ā€“ of their choosing who is leading initiatives in service and/or service-learning. It includes a book plate for you to write the recipientā€™s name inside. This yearā€™s book is ā€œA Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunityā€ by Nick Kristoff; ā€œAn essential, galvanizing narrative about making a difference here and abroadā€”a road map to becoming the most effective global citizens we can be.ā€

The recipient of this award is – Madeline Weiler.


Student Representatives to the Loveland Board of Education are chosen from the junior and senior class by the Board Members and serve a one year term. The students attend Board of Education Meetings and give a monthly Board report. Their presence provides student input to the Board and allows these students to improve the educational process for all Loveland students.

The Student Representatives for this year were: Rebecca Trate and Stuart Wasmund.


In March, seniors from American Government Classes conducted the Loveland City Council meeting as part of a cooperative student government program between council and the school. Students participating in this program were:

Mayor ā€“ Zakary Kadish

Vice Mayor ā€“ McKenzie George

Member of Council ā€“ Geneva Marr, Casey Smith,Ā Stuart Wasmund,Ā Madison Bishop,Ā andĀ Kayla Bullock

City Solicitor ā€“ Heather Burns

City Manager ā€“ Meredith Montalbano


The following students are being presented with Red Cords to be wore at graduation and a certificate for completing at least four blood donations or have acted as a volunteer for Hoxworth Blood Center.

Congratulations to Taylor Keith and Rebecca Trate.


For fifty years the AJC has recongnized with pride those outstanding students from Cincinnati area public, private, and parochial high schools whose daily lives, activities, and behavior exemplify a concern for others and a desire to bring about better human relations in the community.

Finalists were presented with gift books for their schools at a presentaion ceremony on April 29th at Rockdale Temple. Meredith Montalbano was one of five senior finalist this year and received a $200 scholarship.


The AXA Achievement Scholarship is a national scholarship, and is awarded to 52 high school seniors each year, 1 from each state. Each winner is awarded a $10,000 scholarship, and they are known as “AXA Achievers”. AXA gives over $1.5M each year. In addition, our local branch gives up to 12 $2,000 “community” scholarships under the same criteria as this national scholarship. So this award goes to someone who has truly excelled in the qualities we look for.

Selection is based on students’ ambition and self-drive in a community-related activity. Special consideration is given toĀ achievements that empower society to lessen risk through action in areas such as financial, environmental, health, safety, and emergency preparedness. Students must also demonstrate a determination to set and reach goals, a respect for self, family, and the community, and the ability to succeed in college.

This year Loveland High School has a state winner: Casey Smith.


Seth Mitchell was born in Charlotte NC and lived in that area until he was 11 years old. As a child, Seth participated in sports and school activities and loved water sports such as skiing and tubing. As a young boy Seth wanted to be a pilot. Seth had a huge collection of planes. He even had them hanging from the ceiling in his room. Seth was usually seen with some sort of plane or helicopter on his shirts.

When Seth and his family moved to Loveland, he continued his dream of flying by taking his first ā€œsoloā€ flight at the Waynesville, OH air field. Seth flew in a glider plane for his 12th birthday. The instructor let Seth take the controls as the glider sailed through the air. He was Hooked! At Loveland Middle School, Seth got his first taste of organized football. Seth graduated from Loveland High School where he played football; pole vaulted for the track team, was a member of the student council and elected class president for 1997. Seth called Loveland home because that is where he developed lifelong friendships and the skills, talent and character traits that guided his life. One turning point in Sethā€™s life was getting involved with Student Venture, the high school ministry of the Campus Crusade for Christ. Seth found his spiritual compass and developed leadership skills that would serve him well in future endeavors.

After high school Seth enrolled at Virginia Tech and the ROTC program. Seth was a member of Echo Company. He earned a ROTC scholarship after his freshman year and became the executive officer of Golf Company during his senior year. He was a member of the German Club, Ring Design Committee and member at large for the Class of 2001. After graduation, Seth entered the Marine Corp Office Candidate School.

Graduation from OCS, 2nd Lt Mitchell was assigned to Camp Lejuene, NC. While at Camp Lejuene he served tours in Okinawa, Haiti and Iraq as part of an infantry unit. Seth was promoted to 1st Lt. and on November 1st 2005 he achieved the rank of Captain. Growing up he had dreamed of becoming a pilot but did not qualify for the military aviation program due to his eyesight. After corrective eye surgery and while stationed at Camp Lejuene Captain Mitchell achieved his private pilotā€™s license. Due to his determination, Captain Mitchell beat long odds and was awarded a Marine Aviation training spot after four years in the Corp. Captain Mitchell began flight training in Pensacola FL, earning his wings in May 2007. He later qualified to fly the AH-1 Super Cobra Helicopter. Captain Mitchell had achieved and was living his dream of serving his country as a Marine aviator. Captain Mitchell loved to fly and did so during his second tour in Iraq in 2008. In very typical fashion, Captain Mitchell volunteered to report early to duty in Afghanistan to assist a unit short on manpower.

Captain Seth Mitchell, 30, was killed October 26, 2009 when two helicopters collided while supporting combat operations in Afghanistanā€™s Helmand province. Captain Mitchell was assigned to Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 367, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Pendleton, California.

Let Us Never Forget Seth Mitchell Scholarship is awarded to the applicant who most embodies the spirit of Seth Mitchell. This yearsā€™ recipient of the Seth Mitchell Memorial Scholarship is: Rachel Froberg.

The following student will be enlisting in the US Army: Taylor Keith


The students being recognized for this award excels in academic achievement and has maintained the leadership standards of a high school scholar.

The US Marines would like to present these awards to: Alexander Papa and Halle Russo.
The following Students will be enlisting in the US Marine Corp: Jason Donovan and Joshua Palmer.

The following students will be enlisting in the US NAVY: Nader Awad, Jacob Price, Alexander Reiring and Noah Sweringen.

The following student will be enlisting in the US AIR FORCE: August Hoffman.


This yearā€™s winners are: Madison Bishop and Michael Viox.


A long time Loveland High School teacher and principal, John Ogg was beloved by his many physics and chemistry students. This scholarship is funded by many of those students whom Mr. Ogg mentored during his years at Loveland.

This $1,500 scholarship is awarded to a student who chooses to pursue a degree in a physical science such as chemistry, physics or engineering and who has maintained a 3.0 or better GPA. The recipient must demonstrate a desire and ability to complete the course of study and show a financial need.

The teachers and staff at LHS are pleased to offer two $1,000 non-renewable scholarships to one male and one female student.

Funds were raised through donations, a Valentine’s Dinner Raffle, Super Bowl Raffle, Lollipop Pull, and Staff Gatherings. We are pleased to name our scholarship after our distinguished colleague, Mr. Chuck Schmidt.

The $1,500 recipient of the John J. Ogg Scholarship is: Melissa Louis.


This scholarship is funded through a grant from Michael Shannon, M.D., class of 1967. Dr. Shannon, a Neurosurgeon who lives and maintains his medical practice in Zanesville, Ohio, is a founder and ex-officio board member of the Loveland Schools Foundation.

Special mentors influence many of us at some period during our lives. One of Dr. Shannonā€™s mentors was Virgil Smith, a custodian at Loveland High School, and supervisor of the young part time employee at the school, Mike Shannon. A special bond developed between employer and employee and Dr. Shannon credits Mr. Smith with teaching him the discipline and work ethic that helped him excel throughout the rigors and demands of medical school and his profession.

The Smith/Shannon Scholarship is for $1000. Any Loveland High School graduating senior who plans to attend an accredited institution of higher learning and who has committed to a selected course of study, demonstrated an ability and desire to complete that course of study and has maintained an average to above average GPA may apply for this scholarship. All criteria being equal, selection is based on the need of the student.

Three scholarships will be awarded this year. The recipients of the Smith/Shannon Scholarship are: Adam Beran, Madison Bishop and Kathryn Mulhollen.


A resident of Loveland for many years, Mr. Bingaman, married and the father of five, loved children. He shared a single mission in life, ā€œTry to be a blessing to someone each day.ā€ This scholarship in his memory is given by his wife who said, ā€œHe would be glad to give a small monetary push to help a graduating senior on his/her way.ā€

This $1,000 Scholarship goes to: Corynne Swift.


A 1997 graduate of Loveland High School, Captain David Seth Mitchell embodied the ideals of loyalty, friendship and selflessness. After graduation Seth attended Virginia Tech and ultimately attained his dream of becoming a pilot in the United States Marine Corps. He died serving his country in Afghanistan in October, 2009.

Many of his classmates and friends in Loveland have established this scholarship in his memory. It goes to a graduating senior who embodies the same qualities as Seth, those of service and determination.

This yearsā€™ $3,000 Scholarships winner is: Casey Smith.


The scholarship is in memory of the late Dr. Donald Burton, DVM (class of 1970) by his family and friends. Dr. Burton passed away of ALS in the fall of 2014.

Dr. Burton was a devoted and dedicated animal lover who founded the Ohio Wildlife Center to foster awareness and appreciation of Ohioā€™s native wildlife though rehabilitation, education and wildlife.

The Eagle Habitat in the North American Region of the Columbus Zoological Park and Aquariom is dedicated to Dr. Burton in honor of his lifelong work with the native wildlife and conservation.

Emily Bateman is the recipient of this yearsā€™ $2,000 scholarship. She will be attending The University of Missouri to study veterinarian medicine.


The Loveland Education Association Scholarship is given annually to a graduating senior who best exemplifies those qualities held in high esteem by the teachers of Loveland City Schools.

Each teacher in the school district contributes annually to this fund. This year the fund allows for the awarding of two scholarship of $1,500.

Receiving the awards this year are: Victoria Housemeyer and Monica Parsley.


The Clermont Co. high schools do fund raisers to earn money for four scholarships. They are given to student who are going into education.

This year Loveland High School has a winner. It is: Sarah Trombly.


Viola Phillips was dedicated to the total spirit of Loveland. She was especially interested in community service and the quality of life for all residents of Loveland. Viola was Lovelandā€™s first woman Mayor. Ir is the purpose of the Loveland Womanā€™s Club to perpetuate her memory by awarding one graduation Senior who has demonstrated outstanding service to others.

The 2015 recipient of a $1,500 award is: Kathryn Mulhollen.


The Loveland Womenā€™s Club has been an active organization in Loveland since 1912. For over 50 years we have provided many scholarships to deserving young women and young men residing in the Loveland Area. This yearā€™s class of 2013 is filled with many high achievers and the task of selecting our winners was truly a hard one. Thank you to all who applied.

This yearā€™s the recipient of this award is: Melissa Louis.


This Scholarship is in memory of Dawn DeHart, who graduated from Loveland High School in 1983. Dawn was athletically involved at Loveland and the Montana State University, setting many records in Track and Field that still stand today. She was also a member of the National Honor Society. Dawn was friendly, outgoing, and had great work ethic. This award personifies the attributes of Dawn DeHart.

Receiving the award is: Savannah Lee.


The Loveland Athletic Boosters will be awarding scholarships to a graduating boy and girl student-athlete from Loveland High School. The recipients of this year’s award have competed at the varsity level for at least two years, have exhibited good sportsmanship and citizenship, and have shown the ability to succeed in the scholastic or technical area as indicated by grades, attitude and determination. This award is not always given to the best or most outstanding student-athlete, but it is given to individuals who have shown the greatest improvement in his/her overall performance both in the classroom and on the field.

This year’s recipients of the $1,000 scholarships are: Dillon Frees, Mitchell Kenter, Melissa Louis, Brittany Miller, Robert Oberholzer, and Jefferson Prifti.


This scholarship is in honor of Stan McCoy, Sr. for his outstanding contribution to the Loveland City Schools and for his dedication to the children of Loveland. Throughout his distinguished career Mr. McCoy served as assistant superintendent, LHS assistant principal, athletic director, teacher, football coach, mentor and friend. Mr. McCoyā€™s love, dedication and support to the athletes in Loveland will continue through this scholarship presented in his name. This scholarship is funded through donations to the Stanley L. McCoy, Sr. Scholarship fund in conjunction with theĀ Loveland Athletic Boosters.Ā We have two$1,000 scholarships. They are going to Corynne Swift and Michael Viox.


This scholarship is in honor of Robert M. Williams for his contribution within the Loveland community. Mr. Williams served the community in many capacities. But his love of people and his involvement for athletics for his children, grandchildren and friends will live on with this scholarship. Robert M. Williams always knew the score of life and was dedicated to the individuals within these sports and not always the scoreboard. The Robert M. Williams Scholarship is for all Senior Athletes and Senior Sport Managers within the Loveland High School Athletic department. As a reflection of how ā€œBobā€ lived his life, the recipient should posses a strong moral character that is reflected by their leadership, school spirit and positive attitude toward their teammates and coaches.

The Robert M. Williams Scholarship will be a $1,000 non-renewable scholarship. The winners of this yearā€™s scholarships are: Jessica Blumberg and Jonathan Quigley.


Larry moved to Loveland when he was a freshman in High School. He was a 3 sport athlete and a pretty good one at that. Although he and his family moved back to Lynchburg just before his senior year and he graduated from there, he movedĀ back to Loveland shortly after graduation and lived his entire life here. He was always involved in the city, especially with regard to sports and recreation.

He coached numerous little league baseball teams, basketball teams and even umpired many years.

He was part of the boosters back in the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s; back then it was known as the Quarterback Club. In 1979 or 1980, the football field was in bad shape and the school didnā€™t have the resources to get it repaired. He owned a landscaping business at the time so he took it upon himself to get it re-sodded. He rounded up all the volunteers, including most of the football team and got it done. He also drove the construction of the ticket booth building at the old high school. It is gone now but was a nice concrete block building painted orange and black which stood at the fence line between the parking lot and the field.

In the 90ā€™s, he served on Loveland Council for two terms. He was vice mayor in his second term and was on the Recreation Board for years. He loved sports, especially Loveland sports – coaching, promoting, or just talking about it. He was constantly driving the city to improve its parks. He was instrumental the renovation of McCoy Park, getting Phillips Park built, the lights put up, and the basketball court put in there. He helped get the land for Boike Park, and part of that set aside for the LYF football field. He was a huge proponent of having a YMCA go in at Phillips Park. The plans were drawn up and the Y was on board but ultimately it didnā€™t get approved. He was always full of ideas of how to promote Loveland sports. In the early 90ā€™s, he went to Warner Cable and got them to allow him to use some of their equipment ā€“ cameraā€™s and recorders, and he created the ā€œLoveland Sports Machineā€ with Jeff Wagner as host that aired on the local access channel. Iā€™m not sure how many episodes were created or aired but that was a lot of fun for him. I think Wags got a kick out of it too, especially interviewing the only mother-daughter BenGal cheerleaders in Bengal history.

One of the last things I remember him doing before his health started failing was to help bring about the Matt Hamill celebration, the event at Nisbet Park and the signs made up that went under the ā€œwelcome to Lovelandā€ signs at the corporations limits that say, ā€œHome of Matt Hamillā€. In March 2014, only 5 months before his death, he was awarded the Louis Rockwood Award by the City of Loveland recognizing his lifetime of commitment and achievement for the city and its youth sports & recreation programs.

In October of 2014, two months after his death, the Loveland Athletic Boosters announced that a scholarship would be given in his name in the spring of 2015 honoring Larry and thanking him for his contribution and dedication to youth sports.

This year the scholarships of $1,000 will be awarded to: Evan Burig and Margaret Policastro.


The Loveland Youth Football and Cheerleading organization is making available again in 2014 two non-renewable $1,000.00 scholarships. These scholarships will be awarded to one LHS senior football player and one LHS senior cheer organization member, each pursuing a four year bachelorā€™s degree; a two year associate degree; or an equivalent degree with an institution of higher education based upon various academic and community / organizational involvement criteria.

The winners of the Loveland Youth Football Scholarships are: Mitchell Kenter and Andrew Paschal.


Loveland Youth Basketball Association Scholarship is awarded for participation in the LYBA program. Loveland Youth Basketball honors scholarship and encourages an athlete to be well rounded in their school and in community activities. LYBA hopes that through athletics our recipient has benefited by learning lifelong lessons on and off the court.

The winner of the $500 scholarship this year is: John (Jack) Garry.


Cincinnati Soccer Alliance is a select soccer club formed by the merger of Loveland Soccer Club and Miami Township Soccer Club. The clubā€™s mission is to provide a rewarding and challenging environment for the competitive soccer player while also developing each playerā€™s skill, passion and respect for the game. Cincinnati Soccer Alliance is pleased to provide scholarships for its athletics who possess and have demonstrated character inside and outside of the classman, who have contributed to the success of the program, who have shown outstanding community service and who have the desire to further their education in academics.

This year Cincinnati Soccer Alliance would like to present Iain Abbott with a $500 scholarship.

Matt Smith was a valued member of the Cincinnati Soccer Alliance and Miami Township Soccer Clubs for many years as a player and as a referee. During his tenure with the club, Matt made many friends. He always saw the best in everyone and would do anything he could to help make someoneā€™s day as little brighter. Cincinnati Soccer Alliance honors Mattā€™s memory through the funding of this $1,500 scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to the student athlete who has shown outstanding service to the community while maintaining a minimum 3.0 grade average and with the desire to further their education.
The $1,500 Matt Smith Scholarship goes to Katherine Wright.


As part of the continuous quest to promote and encourage the pursuit of excellence in the classroom. The OHSAA Scholar Athlete Award goes to a senior boy and girl with the highest GPA and who has received a minimum combined 4 varsity letters.Ā The 2015 winners of the OHSSA Scholar Athlete Award are: Brittany Miller and Jonathan Quigley.


The Ohio High School Athletic Association ā€œArchie Griffith Sportsmanship Awardā€ is presented to high school student- athletes who promoted and displayed exemplary sportsmanship while participating in interscholastic athletics.

The 2015 OHSAA Archie Griffith award winners are: Giovanni Ricci and Jessica Blumberg.


The Marine Distinguished Athlete Award is presented to high school student-athlete who exhibits the personal traits of Courage, Poise, Self-confidence, and Leadership while performing as a Varsity Athlete.

The 2015 winners of the Marine Distinguished Athlete Award are: Robert Oberholzer and Corynne Swift.


The Army Scholar Athlete Award is presented to high school student-athletes who exhibit the Army virtues of Loyalty, Courage, Integrity, Respect and Honor both in and out of the classroom.

The 2015 winners of the Army Scholar Athlete are: Sophie Greenberg and Michael Ralph.


The National Federation of High Schoolā€™s and the OHSAA have combined to sponsor an Award of Excellence to be presented to senior athletes who exhibit qualities that embody exemplary sportsmanship, ethics and integrity.Ā The 2015 winners of the OHSAA/NFHS Award of Excellences are: Isaac Vock and Anna Vuyk.


The Ohio High School Athletic Association ā€œState Awardā€ is presented to a coach, teacher, administrator or booster member who continually exemplifies good sportsmanship, is a role model for others, reflects the high level of ethics and integrity in dealing with students, supports and demonstrates positive values and has contributed to the well being of the youth of Loveland High School.

The 2015 winner of the ā€œState Awardā€ is a local business leader who continually provides support for all of our athletes. This yearā€™s winner is: Clayton Walker.


Award of $1,000 will be given to one graduating senior for college study in the visual arts from the Loveland Arts Council. This scholarship may be renewed (up to 4 years consecutively) by submitting, each fall, a GPA of at least a 2.75, a report on activities and accomplishments for the previous year, examples of your art work and an outline of goals for the upcoming year. Renewal reminders will be sent to each scholarship winner in the spring of each year of eligibility. Selection will be made on the strength of information requested below, portfolio examples and the essay. The scholarship is open to any senior within the geographical Loveland City School District. Private school and home-schooled students are invited to apply.

Receiving the $1,000 renewable Scholarship this year is: Madison Bishop. The Art and Cultural Council is also giving this year a one- time $1,000 Scholarship to Nicole Blanchard.


The Loveland Music Boosters take great pride in being able to award scholarships to four deserving 2014 seniors. Presentation of these awards is made possible through the fund raising efforts of the students and members of the Boosters,Ā who have toiled diligently through the school year. The seniors winning these awards did so based on their school achievements in the past four years, demonstration of their learned skills and consensus review by their principal instructors.

The Jamie Fair Memorial ScholarshipĀ -This is a $1,500 scholarship and it goes to: Katelin Doarn.

The Shawna Marie Strunk Memorial ScholarshipĀ -This is a $1,000 scholarship and the winner is: Monica Parsley.

The Marvin Hill Memorial Scholarship ā€“ This is a $500 scholarship and the winner is: Thomas Steger.

The Edward P. Lenney Memorial Scholarship – This scholarship is also $500 and the winner is: Abigail P. Smith.

The Mitchell Schnure Scholarship ā€“ This is a new $500 scholarship this year and the winner is: Logan Briggs.


The Loveland Stage Company is offering a $1,000 scholarship in order to encourage students who are interested in the creative arts.Ā The recipient of this yearā€™s scholarship is: Abigail P. Smith.


The Pamela Joy Ripp Foundation celebrates and honors all Loveland moms by awarding “I Love My Loveland Mom” academic scholarships to LHS seniors. Students submit personal heartwarming essays expounding the many reasons why they love and appreciate their mothers.Ā The Pamela Joy Ripp Foundation was founded to honor the memory of Pam, who fought gallantly against ovarian and breast cancer and never let her diagnosis define her life. Established in 2012 by her family, the foundation strives to perpetuate Pamā€™s lifelong example of compassionate giving and her adoration for the Loveland community. Applicants must write a two to five page essay expounding the many reasons why they love and appreciate their Mom. It is as simple as that…. They tell us why THEIR mom rocks!!

The winners are: Monica Parsley and Joshua Reichman.





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