The Tiger Family is invited to come view the beautiful art of talented fifth and sixth grade Loveland students


201541582817831_imageLoveland, Ohio – The Loveland Intermediate School (LIS) hasĀ invited the Tiger Family to attend Art Show 2015 5 PMĀ to 8 PM onĀ Tuesday, April 21 at the LIS Cafeteria and main halls of the first floor. The exhibit will include drawing, painting, paper Mache, ceramics and sculpture art produced by fifth and sixth grade students under the direction of LIS Art Teachers Tracey Power and Katie Tempfli.

ā€œArt builds the confidence of children and gives them the opportunity to be creative and expressive,ā€ said Power. ā€œI am so proud of my students; they have worked so hard and produced beautiful, creative works of art. I would love for the Loveland community to come see the talent of our fifth and sixth grade students.ā€





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