Listen to this “IRS” phone scam one Loveland resident received



Resident receives phone scam Ohio Attorney GeneralĀ warnedĀ about

Loveland, Ohio – This audio recording was provided byĀ a Loveland resident. It is taken from a message left on his answering machine last Friday.

The resident said that he called the number back and the person that answered the phone said he was a “senior officer with the Treasury Department” in D.C., and the IRS was owed $3,280.00 and a warrant had been issued for collection. The scam artistĀ toldĀ the Loveland resident toĀ stay on the line while driving to the bank where instructions would be given about transferring money to satisfy the IRS.

The resident was accused of defrauding the government because of tax returns filed from 2008-2013. When the resident said he did not have that amount of money in the bank, the scam artist said the IRS would settle for $600.00, but the money must be transferred immediately,Ā becauseĀ arrest and jail time was imminent.

The resident said the phone call was disturbing and threatening, but when the scam artist said the IRSĀ would settle for only the $600.00, he hung up, knowing the IRS would not settle for such a small percentage of the $3,200.00.

A recent press release from Ohio Attorney GeneralĀ DeWineĀ said:

ā€œIf you receive one of these calls, donā€™t respond and donā€™t send any money.Ā Donā€™t respond to illegalĀ robocallsĀ in any way. Donā€™t interact with the caller, and donā€™t call a number left on your phone or in a message. Responding to a scam call can result in even more calls because it lets con artists know that your phone number belongs to a real person.”

BelowĀ is the full warning from Ohio’s Attorney General about these “IRS” phone scams
Listen to another audio of a reported ā€œIRSā€ scam

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine FridayĀ warned that his office has received more than 600 reports of tax-related scams since Sept. 1.

The scams generally begin with a phone call telling consumers they are in trouble with the IRS and must call an out-of-state number for more information. Eventually consumers are asked for money.

In one recent variation of the scam, a consumer receives a call from a ā€œSteve Martin,ā€ who claims to work for the U.S. Treasury Department.Ā He says the consumer is facing federal charges and must call a specific phone number, often one with a 757 or 540 area code (Virginia).Ā In another variation, a recorded messageĀ warns the consumer that this is the ā€œfinal notice from the IRSā€ before a lawsuit will be filed.

Consumers who respond to the calls are instructed to send hundreds of dollars using money transfers or prepaid cards, which are commonly found at grocery or convenience stores. While most consumers do not send any money, a few have reported losing hundreds or thousands of dollars.

ā€œCon artists rely on people becoming so nervous that they send money right away,ā€ Attorney General DeWine said. ā€œIf you receive one of these calls, donā€™t respond and donā€™t send any money.ā€

Tips for consumers to avoid tax-related phone scams include:

  • Donā€™t trust threatening callers. If you receive an unexpected phone call from someone who threatens to arrest you for not paying taxes, be very skeptical, especially if you never received any written notice. Also donā€™t trust someone who demands that you pay immediately via wire transfer or prepaid card. These are preferred payment methods for scam artists.
  • Donā€™t respond to illegal robocalls in any way. Donā€™t interact with the caller, and donā€™t call a number left on your phone or in a message. Responding to a scam call can result in even more calls because it lets con artists know that your phone number belongs to a real person.
  • Look into call-blocking options. Check with your phone carrier and third-party services to determine whether call-blocking services could help you stop unwanted calls. (Attorney General DeWine has joined dozens of other attorneys general in encouraging phone carriers to use call-blocking technology to help consumers stop illegal telemarketing calls.)

U.S. Treasury or IRS impersonation scams can be reported to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration at or 800-366-4484. Consumers also can contact the Ohio Attorney Generalā€™s Office at or 800-282-0515 for assistance.



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