Shared funds to be divided and invested in technology support, books and playground upgrades

The shipment of new leveled books arrived at LPS to distribute to students.

Loveland, Ohio –Ā Loveland Elementary School (LES), Loveland Primary School (LPS), and Loveland Early Childhood Center (LECC) raised a combined total of $58,000 in magazines sales with a net profit for the three buildings of $23,402.

LES plans to utilize their portion to support an ever-developing technology program in the building. LES Principal Jennifer Forren said the new funds raised will complement the recent addition of some 160 new Chromebook devices ā€“ a purchase which was the result of a district investment and donation by the PTA.

ā€œThis is an age-appropriate investment for our third and fourth grade students,ā€ said Forren. ā€œThese are the tools we need to propel them forward academically; we sincerely appreciate the support the community showed us during the magazine sale drive.ā€

LPS is using the money to purchase additional leveled books to support and expand the schoolā€™s targeted readingĀ homework system. The additional books bring LPS closer to the goal of every student takingĀ home appropriate reading level practice materials nightly that are targeted specifically forĀ the individual student.

“We know that the more targeted our homework can be for individual students, the better results we are going to see in the growth each child makes,ā€ said LPS Principal Kevin Fancher.Ā ā€œOur goal is to help students enjoy reading while allowing them to read text at their level.Ā The additional materials improve our ability to meet the needs of our growing readers.”

LECCā€™s share will be used in combination with money from other fundraiser efforts to upgrade the buildingā€™s playground area.




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