by David Miller
Loveland, Ohio – Because of COVID 19, Loveland City Schools will be in asynchronous learning on Thursday, January 13, and Friday, January 14.
Teachers will be sending work home with their children at the end of their class day on Wednesday.
Asynchronous learning means Thursday and Friday are still learning days for students, but they will be learning from home.
Asynchronous learning is a term used to describe forms of education, instruction, and learning that do not occur in the same place or at the same time.
Superintendent Mike Broadwater said in a video message today that “Staff will be reporting to the buildings and be available to support students remotely.” He said that absences and illnesses have not only affected students, but also the teaching staff, bus drivers, food services, and custodial staff. He added that according to CDC guidelines that if a staff member tests positive for COVID 19 it means they must quarantine from the buildings or their workplace for 5-days.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and the Martin Luther King Holiday will mean students will not be in the buildings for 5 straight days before returning on Tuesday, January 18.
Broadwater announced that the District will not change its current mask policy when students return on January 18. The current mask policy is that masks are optional for grades 7 through 12. Masking is required in grades PreK through 6th.
Despite this setback, the Superintendent added “I’m very proud of the fact that we have done such a good job at keeping our kids in school this year.
At the beginning of each week, the Loveland City School District releases its latest Covid 19 Dashboard. Below is the first COVID 19 report issued by the District since students returned to classes after their Winter Break. This story lets you review all of the Dashboard reports for the school year.
Loveland Schools Covid-19 Dashboard for January 9, 2022
David Miller – Jan 10, 2022