Reach of Uncertainty by Sam Smith


Loveland, Ohio –Ā Loveland High School (LHS) Sophomore Sam Smith wonĀ the Visual Art category of the Overture Awards for his photography and short film. Recognizing excellence in the arts among students in grades 9-12 in the Greater Cincinnati area, the Overture Awards offer both formal recognition and cash prizes. It is the largest competition of its kind. Smith received aĀ $4,000 cash award.

ā€œSam is very passionate about his work,ā€ said Jim Barrett, LHS photography teacher and Film Club sponsor. ā€œHis sense of technique and composition is superb, and the depth of his video work is amazing. I am excited for Sam right now, but even more excited and intrigued for whatā€™s to come.ā€


DescentĀ by Sam Smith


Dark Waves by Sam Smith



Sangha Yoga Studio

Sangha Yoga Studio AĀ sacred space, a safe haven, to come together asĀ One CommunityĀ for the well-being of Self and others.




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