A Guest Column By Dr. Amy Crouse,

Our collective mission at Loveland City Schools is toĀ prepare students for tomorrow, today; this year, the state report card reflected that we are making strides to achieve just that. I have said before and will say again: I strongly believe the true value of a school district cannot be limited to a simple score on a standardized test, which is what the state report card reflects. I also believe that there will always be room for growth and
improvement, regardless of the ā€œgradesā€ earned. So while the report card is just one tool of accountability, it provides us with useful information we can apply and reflect upon as we continue to provide the best educational experience we can for our students.

In Loveland, we celebrate gains in the Progress and Achievement components, both of which echo the growth we have made in giving our students the tools they need to comprehend, retain and personalize the information they receive every day. Through our targeted improvement plans in the past year, we have made particular strides in the Progress component, which indicates the growth of our students based on past performance. Our grade in the Achievement component places Loveland in the top 22 percent of districts in our region, which means our students are one step closer to being more educated, empowered and prepared for tomorrow, today.

We can also celebrate a gain in the Gap Closing component of the report card, meaning we are putting initiatives and programs in place to properly meet the performance expectations for all students in English language arts, math and graduation. We are one of only 14 (out of 49) districts in Hamilton, Warren, Butler and Clermont counties that earned an ā€œA.ā€ I am incredibly proud of this accomplishment because it reflects the dedication and hard work our staff has put toward ensuring each and every student can be successful.

While we will continue to celebrate our successes, we will never ignore the areas that present opportunities for growth. After all, who wouldnā€™t love to receive an ā€œAā€ across all measures? Who wouldnā€™t love to see every child succeed every day? Ultimately, our goal is that every Tiger student is empowered to learn, grow and embody our core values of care, respect and responsibility.Ā ThatĀ is success.

Dr. Amy Crouse isĀ Superintendent of theĀ Loveland City School District

The work we do every day in our classrooms is complex, and as a school district committed to high achievement and continuous growth, we monitor, analyze and factor in multiple data points when we consider the educational experience we strive to provide. I invite you to take a look at another source of data ā€“ our Quality Profile ā€“ which includes measures beyond the test scores to show the total value that our schools provide our Tiger students, staff and community. This publication is available by clicking on the image to the upper right.Ā Residents will find an executive summary in the mailboxes shortly.

As always, I thank you for supporting our educational mission. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions or concerns regarding the state report card or our Quality Profile.

In service to our Tigers.

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