To add your loved one’s information to our Take Me Home system, please FILL OUT THE ENROLLMENT FORM. The Department needs the form to be completely filled out as well as a digital picture.

Miami Township, Ohio – The Take Me Home program is a database that is only accessible to law enforcement and emergency personnel. The database includes a picture, disability information, physical description, emergency contact information, and map of all registered individuals. If a person in the Take Me Home program is encountered alone by a police officer, or is reported missing, the officer can access the database by the person’s name or description to locate their enrollment record. With this information at hand, the officer can appropriately assist your loved one.

How Does Take Me Home Work?
In the event an enrollee is contacted and an officer has reason to believe they may be a candidate for Take Me Home, the officer can access our database to identify the person and better assist them. If there is a match to their database, an emergency contact will be notified immediately to let them know their loved one has been found. If a loved one enrolled in Take Me Home goes missing call 911 as soon as you can and inform the police dispatcher of the individual’s enrollment in Miami Township’s Take Me Home program.

Who can enroll in Take Me Home?
Any child OR adult who may have difficulty communicating due to a developmental or cognitive disability, while lost or in an emergency-situation. These individuals tend to be at risk for wandering and may include people with disabilities such as Alzheimer’s, Autism, Dementia, Down syndrome, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), etc. The Department asks that anyone enrolling an individual be either a family member, legal guardian or is turning in a signed registration form on behalf of the individual’s family with their permission.

If you have a question about an individual’s condition pertaining to our criteria, contact the Miami Township Police Department at (513) 248.3721.

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