A message from the Miami Township Board of Trustees:

Since the creation of the Township’s park system in the early 1990s, the community has enjoyed various amenities offered by each of our four parks. Residents have communicated, and worked closely with staff to make sure our parks not only meet the needs and expectations of our residents, but that they are also serviced and maintained at the highest level. Our Service and Recreation Departments do an excellent job keeping our parks in superb condition and booked with enjoyable activities and events throughout the year.

As our parks entered the third decade of service to the community, there was a need to perform a formal assessment of the grounds, equipment and structures contained within them, and then project for future needs and redevelopment opportunities. This data will then be used to formulate a Master Plan and assist in future development and improvements to Miami Township’s outstanding park system.

Sports and popular activities have continued to evolve and change over the past 30 years. Things once considered popular are no longer. For example, the demand for tennis courts has been offset by requests for conversion to pickleball, and the once hot metal playground structures are now covered with cooling shades and made of materials that are safer and more user friendly.

In 2004, a 1.5 mill parks levy was approved by Township voters. No other park levy has been requested despite the fact there has been significant growth in the Township since that time. At the July 16, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting, the Trustees passed legislation to allow for a 1.0 mill continuing levy to be placed on the ballot for park and recreational purposes. If passed, this levy would generate funds to maintain and improve our Township park system, while continuing to operate programs the community desires. Passage of the levy would cost residents $35.00 per year for each $100,000.00 of market value for their property. For example, a $300,000 market value would cost $105 annually, or $8.75 per month.

The original 1.5 mill parks levy approved by voters in 2004 is at the point where it is no longer generating enough revenue to cover expenses. On average, $1.5 million has been spent annually for the past ten years for Parks and Recreation personnel, special events, preventative maintenance and necessary improvements. It is estimated at the end of 2024 that the Parks and Recreation Fund will have a balance of only $122,825. In light of this, the Township has been using funds from its General Fund to supplement park operations and maintenance in order to extend the existing levy. Local Fiscal Recovery Funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) were also used to extend the life of levy funds.

Property values and park usage in the Township have increased significantly in the past 20 years. Current collections for this levy are based on property valuations from 2004 and have not kept up with growth.

The Parks and Recreation Levy will appear on the November 5th ballot for our residents to consider.

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