Sixteen year-old Milford High School student,Ā Lauren Wilfong died in a car crash Sunday evening when the 2006 Toyota Solara she was driving crossed the center line onĀ Glendale Milford Road nearĀ Shawnee Run Road and struck anĀ approaching automobile.Ā ā€‹The highway patrol said thatĀ Wilfong was not wearing a seatbelt, nor wereĀ drugs nor alcohol are suspectedĀ to be factors in the crash. SheĀ was pronounced dead atĀ Bethesda North Hospital.

The driver of the car Wilfong struck wasĀ Terrence Howe, 57, of Terrace Park. He was not injured.

A news release from the Milford School District:

Photo provided by the Milford School District

We are deeply saddened to report the loss of one of our students in a car accident on January 24. Lauren Wilfong was a junior at Milford High School. She had been a student in Milford Schools since eighth grade.

We have grief counselors from the Clermont County Crisis Team at the high school today. We will offer these counseling resources to our students over the next few days and will continue as needed.

ā€œLauren was a fine young lady and fine representative of Milford High School. We are all grieving and processing this news and are here to support our staff and students during this tragedy,ā€ said MHS Principal, Josh Kauffman.

Laurenā€™s passing is a heartbreaking loss for our school community. Our condolences go out to Lauren’s family and friends. Arrangements will be shared as they become available.


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