SUMMARY REPORT Clermont County, Ohio ***Unofficial Results*** Run Date:05/07/19 Special Election RUN TIME:08:52 PM May 7, 2019
VOTES PERCENT PRECINCTS COUNTED (OF 40) . . . . . 40 100.00 REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL . . . . . 31,158 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. . . . . . . 10,289 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . . . . . . 33.02 Milford EVSD MILFORD EXEMPTED VSD VOTE FOR 1 (WITH 40 OF 40 PRECINCTS COUNTED) For the bond issue . . . . . . . 4,425 43.04 Against the bond issue . . . . . . 5,857 56.96 Over Votes . . . . . . . . . 0 Under Votes . . . . . . . . . 7

Vote No to Milford School Bond Issue said on Facebook this morning:
The $98 million Milford School Bond has been defeated!
Thank you to all of the Vote No to Milford School Bond Issue supporters and everyone who voted.
This November, let’s “unite” behind a fiscally responsible bond that focuses on “needs” not “wants” and uses competition to get an actual design and reasonable pricing.
We want the best for kids, parents, seniors and business people. Milford_Schools we hope you’re listening. We can do great things together!
Milford issued this statement on the District Web Site:
According to the Clermont County Board of Elections, the Milford School District bond issue on the May ballot has failed. The unofficial results posted on Tuesday evening show the following:
- For the bond issue-4,425-43.04%
- Against the bond issue-5,857-56.96%
“I greatly appreciate the support of so many of our parents, businesses, and community members. Although the bond failed, the sense of unity on behalf of our staff and students was heartwarming,” said Milford Superintendent Nancy House.
According to Mrs. House, the Board of Education will begin discussions on options to complete these projects from our master facilities plan.
“On behalf of the Milford Board of Education, I would like to thank all of those who voted for our bond issue,” shared George Lucas, board president. “We put our best plan forward and now have some tough discussions and decisions ahead. These facilities need to be replaced and to continue delaying these projects will be more costly in the long run.”
The following projects were to be funded from the bond issue:
Build a middle school (grades 6-8) to replace the current Milford Junior High (grades 7-8)
Improve site circulation at the high school/middle school campus
Add a new 1,000 seat auditorium to be shared by the new middle school and high school
Replace the HVAC and sections of the roof at the high school
Provide new learning spaces in the unrenovated portions of the high school
Replace several athletic facilities that are in poor condition
Complete the high school stadium renovation including ADA-compliant bleachers
These facilities are a key part of our Master Facilities Plan which was first written in 2000 when the district entered a partnership with the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC). While the OFCC was a partner in building our six elementary schools and high school construction projects, the State had informed the district that construction funds will not be available in the foreseeable future. With the condition of the current junior high school and the rising costs of construction, Milford School District’s Board of Education decided we could no longer wait years for possible state assistance.
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