Loveland, OhioAttention all frog enthusiasts! Loveland Magazine is hosting a fun contest where you can name our frog mascots. “Mr. and Ms. Frog” just doesn’t cut it anymore!

This is a chance to win some amazing prizes. The creative winner will receive 2 tickets to the Frogman Festival, 2 official tee shirts, and the official poster as cool prizes.

So put on your thinking cap and come up with some creative, bouncy personality, and catchy names for Loveland Magazine’s beloved mascots. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity!

The winner will receive tickets to the highly anticipated Frogman Festival that will be on March 3rd at the fabulous Oasis Conference Center.

Please send us your suggestions to: with the subject line “Name those Frogs”.

We are excited to share some details about the upcoming event. There will be more than 50 vendors selling their art, crafts, and merchandise in the large ballroom of the Oasis Conference Center. In addition, there will be a separate room where speakers will be presenting their research. At noon, there will be a parade led by the Pied Piper of Loveland, which is open to anyone interested in joining. Additionally, there will be circus sideshows providing entertainment. If you get hungry or thirsty, there will be food and drink options available a la carte, including beer.

The purpose of the Frogman Festival is to gather and celebrate the legend of the Frogman story as well as other strange and unusual stories in our region. Last year more than 2,000 people attended when it was held at the Great Wolf Lodge in Mason. This year it will be in Loveland where it belongs!

Loveland Magazine is a sponsor of the festival.

The Pied Piper of Loveland

In addition to the Loveland Frog, a mysterious bagpiper can be found in and around Loveland playing the ancient Highland Bagpipes that evolved in medieval Europe but were refined in Scotland. The stories of pipers leading various rats, children and snakes out of villages and in the countryside are written in the archives. Our piper has trained and studied the instrument from talented musicians to become himself, a sought-after and award-winning player. Having competed at the top levels of the piping world, today he can be found performing with bandmates in the Cincinnati Caledonian Pipes and Drums and The Great Lakes Pipe Band.

For the festival, he will be leading a parade at noon inside the event with any and all welcome to join him whether in costume or not. Any and all costumes from the cryptid world to cosplay, renaissance to steampunk are encouraged. Step off at noon in the lobby in no particular order then follow our piper to wherever he may lead you.

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