Obituaries and Memorials

Submit a Remembrance or Announcement

An obituary is a treasured memorial to honor a life as well as to inform the Loveland Area of a death. It’s a permanent ‘on-line” tribute anyone can visit, whenever we’re moved to cherish those memories.

Publishing an obituary online in the LOCAL newspaper means maximizing the audience of people who have some connection to the person who died. Genealogy research depends on newspaper obituaries to discover family history.

Whether you wish to submit a short death notice or publish a longer obituary, here are the steps you will need to take.

Your remembrance or announcement will be published for a flat fee of $75.

Please submit what you want to be published in the body of an e-mail to and attach a photo in .jpg format. You may submit up to two photos. You may submit payment with a Credit Card, Pay Pal or check. You will be given payment instructions.

Don’t forget to include any links you want included such as what Funeral Home is caring for your loved one, driving directions, or where memorial gifts should be sent.*

*Before publishing an obituary, we must verify your loved one’s passing. Please send us information about who is caring for their burial, cremation, or medical donation.

If you want to publish a full and complete remembrance, please contact us at


David M. DelloStritto: June 15, 1976 – July 2, 2023

It is with profound sadness that the family of David M. DelloStritto, 47, announce his passing on July 2, 2023, after a lengthy, courageous battle with colon cancer.

David was born on June 15, 1976, to Dennis and Carol DelloStritto. He attended Howland Schools and graduated from Ohio University in 1998 with a BBA in Business Management/Operations. After college, he worked for ADP in Columbus, Ohio, where he met his wife, Amy. They were married on August 14, 2004. He eventually transferred to Cincinnati. He continued to work through most of his illness, most recently for SAP Concur, where he worked as a senior software sales executive. Through his career, Dave achieved great success and was able to travel the world.

The pride and joy of his life was his daughter, Alexa and son, Colin. Together with Amy, he raised two incredibly intelligent, loving, compassionate, amazing children. Nothing gave him more happiness than watching Alexa play softball and volleyball and Colin play soccer, basketball, and football. He especially loved coaching Alexa in softball and Colin in basketball. Dave loved and was deeply devoted to his family and treasured every memory made with them. His family will carry these beautiful memories with them for the rest of their lives.

Dave is survived by his wife Amy, daughter Alexa (16), and son Colin (12), his parents; sister Danielle (Nate) Mailach and niece Mallory; Father-in-law Tom (Dawn) Freeman; brother-in-law Thomas (Cami) Freeman and nephews Thomas and Mathias; many loving aunts, uncles, and cousins; and many cherished friends.

Dave wished to leave these words to his adored family and friends: “If ever there is a tomorrow when we are not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you.”

Per Dave’s wishes, no services will be held. A private family Celebration of Life will be held at his home.

In lieu of gifts or flowers, donations may be made in his memory to Hospice of Cincinnati, C/O Bethesda Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 633597, Cincinnati, OH, 45263, or online at His family wishes to thank the amazing doctor, nurses, hospice aides, staff, and volunteers who provided such excellent, compassionate care to us.

He was deeply loved and will be forever missed by all who knew him.


Benedict (Ben) Francis Schickel August 24, 1959 – May 15, 2023

Benedict Francis Schickel was born the seventh of eleven children on the 24th of August, 1959, and died peacefully on May 15, 2023, from ALS-related complicatons.

There are seven strengths that shone out in Ben’s life…



• In the blood and through his own pursuits, he was an artst. He created and was recognized for many beautful works of art.

• In this same vein, Ben was a faithful patron and promoter of local establishments and family artsts. He partcularly loved being part of the efforts of the William Schickel Gallery, enjoying his Dad’s and others’ artwork displayed and housed there, as well as staffing the Gallery during gatherings and shows. Among his favorite Loveland haunts were Paxton’s Grill, Loveland Sweet Shoppe and Mile 42 Coffee. Nearly everyone in downtown Loveland knew him and many loved him. Ben also worked for McDonald’s Corporaiton, Montgomery Inn, Loveland Bike Rental and, most recently, InReturn.

• This next strength certainly grew over time. Ben was very courageous in suffering. His entre life seemed to have more than its fair share of that.



• None-the-less, or maybe because of it, the Lord enabled him to learn extreme resilience. After many, sometmes daily, episodes that would leave others in despair, he would gather himself, regain his strength, get up, and start moving forward again.

• In a related way, he did valiant battle with his own pride and grew into a pure and simple humility. He consistently and loyally made phone calls to his family and friends, was able to receive help from others, and allowed the Lord to work through him to help others. He nurtured relatonship and brought his own family closer together.

• This was especially evident by the success of his life among his beloved AA community where he found and offered true friendship and touched the lives of many. Real success.



• At the root of it all, and definitely growing through time and adversity, Ben had a deep faith and reliance on God. He was brought up in the Catholic faith. In the later years of his life, he was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. He was so grateful to the Mormon Missionaries and congregaton who reached out to him with love and support and taught him many important things. He was fortfied by the final Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church before his death.

Ben graduated from St. Columban Grade School and Moeller High School, and he studied photography at Antonelli College in Cincinnati.

Ben was preceded in death by his parents, William and Mary Schickel, and his brother-in-law, William Haine. He is survived by: his siblings—Anna Haine, Martha and Dan Dorff, Bill and Candi Schickel, John Schickel, Joe and Susie Schickel, John and Elizabeth Robinson, Martin and Kathy Schickel, Jim and Mary Moorman, Jim and Ruth Tabeling, Steve and Joy France; 34 nephews and nieces; 70 grand nephews and nieces; 1 great grand nephew and a second great grand on the way.

The Visitation and Memorial Service will be held at Tufts Schildmeyer Family Funeral Home

129 N. Riverside Drive in Loveland, Ohio, on Tuesday, May 23 10 a.m. to 12:00pm Noon, where a service will be held at 12:00 pm Noon.

The burial will immediately follow at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 11000 Montgomery Rd., Montgomery, OH 45249. Those who do not wish to go to the burial are invited to go directly to the reception at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints chapel at 8250 Cornell Rd., Montgomery, OH 45249. Memorial donatons can be made to InReturn at


John "Jack" King

John “Jack” King

June 1, 1935 – February 18, 2022


Herman Gilbert Royer, Jr.

Herman Gilbert Royer, Jr.

December 16, 1926 – February 16, 2022
A. Michael Maurer

A. Michael Maurer

September 16, 1946 – February 15, 2022
David Wayne Conley

David Wayne Conley

July 26, 1945 – February 14, 2022
Effie Faye Moore

Effie Faye Moore

July 4, 1931 – February 13, 2022
Richard McGeorge

Richard McGeorge

February 24, 1951 – February 12, 2022
Teresa "Terri" King

Teresa “Terri” King

March 30, 1952 – February 12, 2022
Russell Anthony Mohrhaus

Russell Anthony Mohrhaus

November 7, 1955 – February 10, 2022
James H. Miller II

James H. Miller II

September 27, 1928 – February 8, 2022
Janice H. Becker

Janice H. Becker

November 27, 1940 – February 7, 2022
Bruce Wayne Tarter

Bruce Wayne Tarter

August 19, 1941 – February 7, 2022
Fred Polly Sr.

Fred Polly Sr.

February 3, 1939 – February 7, 2022
Bernard Joseph Shucktis

Bernard Joseph Shucktis

December 14, 1926 – February 3, 2022
Janet Lee Hutzel

Janet Lee Hutzel

March 19, 1945 – February 2, 2022
Ann DiSilvestro

Ann DiSilvestro

August 15, 1915 – February 1, 2022
Samuel Preston "Sam" Duvall, Jr.

Samuel Preston “Sam” Duvall, Jr.

May 26, 1926 – January 31, 2022
Anna Ruth Howd

Anna Ruth Howd

October 10, 1932 – January 30, 2022
Cecilia "Sue" Weissmann

Cecilia “Sue” Weissmann

November 6, 1949 – January 28, 2022
Judy Seigla

Judy Seigla

September 8, 1930 – January 28, 2022
Carol S. Skinner

Carol S. Skinner

October 3, 1947 – January 27, 2022
Rob Eli "Robbie" Harris

Rob Eli “Robbie” Harris

October 27, 1966 – January 27, 2022
James Robert "JR" Angel

James Robert “JR” Angel

December 2, 1978 – January 26, 2022
Mary Ann Miracle

Mary Ann Miracle

May 2, 1934 – January 25, 2022
Musa B. Gammoh

Musa B. Gammoh

December 4, 1936 – January 24, 2022
Willard Keith Williamson

Willard Keith Williamson

March 15, 1940 – January 24, 2022
Edward Clarence Beimesche, Jr.

Edward Clarence Beimesche, Jr.

March 6, 1935 – January 24, 2022
Gene Massey

Gene Massey

April 5, 1939 – January 24, 2022
Paul B. Schwan

Paul B. Schwan

July 3, 1949 – January 23, 2022
Lynn Ann Sutter

Lynn Ann Sutter

February 18, 1953 – January 23, 2022
Janice Faye Arnett

Janice Faye Arnett

August 6, 1966 – January 22, 2022
Christopher Darrell New

Christopher Darrell New

March 14, 1959 – January 21, 2022
Roger G. Hicks

Roger G. Hicks

June 6, 1934 – January 21, 2022
Susan K. Pullem

Susan K. Pullem

March 16, 1954 – January 21, 2022
Robert "Bob" E. Cox

Robert “Bob” E. Cox

August 31, 1947 – January 21, 2022
Janice Faye Arnett

Janice Faye Arnett

August 6, 1966 – January 22, 2022
F. Paul Logeman

F. Paul Logeman

February 10, 1930 – January 15, 2022
John H. Wesley Sr.

John H. Wesley Sr.

December 15, 1936 – January 20, 2022
February 25, 1937 – January 19, 2022
Anthony Wayne McDowell
Anthony Wayne McDowell
June 30, 1994 – January 19, 2022
Darryl McIntyre

Darryl McIntyre

September 27, 1946 – January 19, 2022
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James E. Reynolds

James E. Reynolds

May 14, 1940 – January 19, 2022
John Bryan Mueller

John Bryan Mueller

Ada C. Wells

Ada C. Wells