A Press Release from the Loveland School District:


Tiger Family:

As we have had some parents contacting us regarding opting their students out of the state tests, we wanted to share with all of you the latest information the district has received from the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) on this matter. Please see the full release that was issued below. You will also find contact information should you have any additional questions.

Dr. Amy Crouse,

Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning


ODE Outlines Consequences of Students’ Not Taking State Tests

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) recently issued a guidance regarding state tests, explaining that there is “no law that allows a parent or student to opt out of state testing and there is no state test opt-out procedure or form.” The department goes on to say, “… there may be consequences for the child, the child’s teacher, and the school and district … [i]f a parent withdraws his or her child’s participation in certain state tests.”

Recent testimony in the Senate Education Committee from school superintendents indicated that they are seeing an increase in the number of parents submitting “official opt-out” forms for the state tests.

According to the department, “Federal and state laws require all districts and schools to test all students in specific grades and courses.”

Additionally, the Ohio General Assembly passed 130-HB487 that provides for a one year “safe harbor” for districts and teachers as Ohio transitions to new tests for the 2014-2015 school year. “This means that some consequences may not apply to all districts and teachers based on results from the 2014-2015 tests.”

ODE goes on to suggest that, “Schools should provide the information below and other district consequences in writing to parents that withdraw their child or children from state tests. Though there is no requirement in law, schools may want to request that parents document this decision in writing to record the reason why the student was not tested.”

Possible Consequences for Students When They Do Not Take State Tests

1. Third Grade Reading Guarantee

a. A student who does not take the state’s grade three reading test will not have a score on that test and may not be promoted to the fourth grade as part of the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. Some students may be exempted from this requirement or use an alternative test. Information on the exemptions and alternative tests is posted on the department’s website.

2. High School Graduation Requirements

a. A student who entered ninth grade for the first time before July 1, 2014, who does not take and pass the Ohio Graduation Tests will not be eligible for a high school diploma.

b. A student who entered ninth grade for the first time on or after July 1, 2014, who does not take and reach the needed score on the tests for at least one graduation option will not be eligible for a high school diploma. More information on these new graduation requirements can be found on the department’s website. These options include:

i. Cumulative performance earned on the state end-of-course tests or their approved
ii. A remediation-free score on a college admissions test; or
iii. A workforce ready score on the WorkKeys test, in combination with an approved industry

3. English Language Learners

a. A student who does not take the Ohio Test of English Language Acquisition cannot exit the English as a Second Language program.

A district may have additional consequences for students. For example, a district may include the state’s end-of-course test score in a student’s grade instead of a final exam. Students attending a nonpublic school may have different testing requirements.

Possible Consequences for Districts, Schools and Teachers, When Students Do Not Take State Tests

1. Districts and schools receive no credit when a student doesn’t participate in state testing, which can negatively impact a district’s state A-F report card ratings.

a. Families and businesses often consult A-F ratings in choosing where to live, locate a business and how to vote on tax levies.

b. These ratings also impact school choice programs, flexibility on how funding is spent and which schools receive extra help from the state.

c. If student participation in a district drops below 95 percent overall or for specific subgroups of students, the district could face new restrictions on how it spends its money pursuant to federal law.

2. Teachers are evaluated based, in part, on student test scores. If a student does not take a state test, that student’s growth will not be included in the teacher’s evaluation.

3. Teachers will not have access to advanced diagnostic information from state tests, such as student growth projections, to help inform instruction for students who do not take the state tests.”

Why Are State Tests Important?

ODE goes on to say that, “State tests are critical for measuring student learning and ensuring that all of Ohio’s students receive a high-quality education. The results from state tests are how we hold districts, schools and teachers accountable.

“The results from state tests provide the public with much-needed information about how all students are performing. Student test scores are the foundation of Ohio’s A-F school and district report cards, which are designed to show parents, taxpayers and school leaders how well students are performing.

“The report cards allow for apples to apples comparisons between schools as well as identify schools and districts that require additional support or interventions, such as:

1. Offering more grant funding for struggling schools;
2. Relieving high-performing schools and districts of some regulations;
3. Creating school choice options, like charter schools and voucher programs; or
4. Closing poor-performing schools.

Ohio also uses state tests as checkpoints for students to ensure they are ready for their next steps. The Third Grade Reading Guarantee makes sure students can read at grade level before moving on to the fourth grade. Ohio’s new graduation options give flexibility to students on which state tests they use, but the tests ensure that students leave high school ready for college and a career.”
Individuals with questions are invited to email statetests@education.ohio.gov.





  1. Unfortunately this was written as a scare tactic from the administration. I have just about had it with the schools and everyone within the schools not being on the same page. These our “our children” and our decisions to make about opting out of the tests, the state nor the school is going fail your child for refusing to test.

    Your child’s grades and level promotion is based on how well your child did in the classroom. Quizzes tests and homework, learning the fundamentals of the grade level. If your child measures up and completes his or her work and tests above 60% the child will be promoted to the next grade level.
    Perhaps our administration should all meet together and speak as one and really start to put our children and their learning first! Let’s teaching them grade level appropriate material. Teach them to read, write (cursive included), math, history, science. Let the teachers have control if their classroom and their course syllabus, because this is what they are there for!

  2. Wow!! It is so disappointing that Loveland City School district’s administration has decided to become a mouthpiece for the state instead of advocates for the best interests of students and teachers. When so many neighboring district administrators are speaking out against PARCC/AIR tests Loveland City Schools are stuck with puppets.

    Let’s address a few of the above points with HONESTY, shall we?
    1) Of course there is “no law that allows a parent or student to opt out…” There doesn’t have to be. There is also no law that allows a parent to put Doritos in their child’s lunch but you can, legally!! It’s your constitutional right as a parent to dictate what your child’s education looks like.
    2) “Federal/State law requires all districts to test all students.” True but there is no law requiring students to comply.
    3) HB487 was passed. This law protects districts this year from negative consequences of students not taking the test. Students not taking the test can negatively affect the A-F rating of the district but Chad Hiliker told me personally that no money is tied to that rating and there is no negative financial implication.
    4) ODE says tests are critical to measure a student’s learning and no one is arguing against that point. This is why there are quizzes and tests through out the course of study to test how well the material is understood and then there is MAP testing. The OAAs were one day for 3-4 hours. PARCC/AIR testing is 4 times that not including all the practice tests inbetween.

    You couple all these facts about PARCC/AIR with the fact that your child’s personal information is no longer private… it can be accessed and sold by/to other states and for-profit companies without parental notification, you’ll see there is no good reason to have your child take the PARCC/AIR tests.

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