
Please read all of the New Policies and Events below.
If you have any questions please let us know!
promartial-6-16We’re very excited for an awesome summer!
784 Loveland-Miamiville Road
Loveland, OH 45140
Or contact us.
Summer is a time for fun and vacation.  Here at PRO Martial Arts we are planning for just that!  With events scheduled monthly and new policies going into effect, this summer is mounting up to be a great one here at the studio!
– Mr. Cisco
First, a Quick Guide for What’s Instore.
New Belt Striping Exam
New Referral Program Award
Summer Camps
Advance Camp
PMA Grill Out Pot Luck
The Jedi Academy

Belt Stripe Exams

It has come to our attention that many parents would like a specific time in which their son/daughter could be evaluated for their Skill Stripes.  As our school continues to grow we recognize the need for such a class time to insure that all students have equal opportunity for advancement.  As such, we are proud to announce the start of a new exam type designed specifically for just that.

On the day of Exams, as well as the Saturday following (schedule permitting), all Basic and Leadership students will be allowed to join us for a 30 -60 minute long evaluation time to demonstrate their skills and earn their stripes.
Stripes will be awarded on the spot, just as in normal classes, but in addition they will be given advice on how to improve or adjust their training to earn any stripes they failed to acheive.
This is a no cost exam for all Basic and Leadership students.

Referral Program

For the months of June, July, and August the standard referral incentive of a $50 gift will be replaced with the following…

1 Free Month’s Tuition!
Any new student who becomes a member due to your referral will award to you 1 Free Month’s Tuition.  After the family signs their contract your account will be immediately updated to make your next month’s tuition payment FREE.
*limit one free month per family to sign. (ex: a brother and sister become members due to your referral; you receive one month free tuition)
Summer Camp and Advance Camp
There are two different week long camp opportunies being offered this summer.  One is for fun.  One is for training.
Summer Camp
This is our fun camp filled with games, movies, and lunch!  Focus is on having good fun with good friends all while enjoying the “funner” aspects of martial arts training.
Upcoming Dates include: July 4th – 7th and Aug. 8th – 11th
Keep checking your email and the studio for further information.
Advance Camp
This camp is an in depth look at what is required not only for a student’s current belt rank but also what will be expected for their next as well!  It’s like packing over 3 month’s training into just one week!
Upcoming Dates include: June 13th – 17th
Keep checking your email and the studio for further information.

Grill Out Work Out Pot Luck
This August we will be holding a grill out open to all members, their families, and their friends.  This is a pot luck event so that we can all come together and create an experience together while enjoying the summer air.  Instructors will be present both to cook your dogs on the grill and to do some karate drills and games with you.
We hope to hold the event at Nisbit park in downtown historic Loveland.
The date is yet to be decided so please cast your vote by the office.

Jedi Academy

Ever fantisize about what it would be like to be a Jedi?  How about a Sith?  Later this year PRO Martial Arts will be holding it’s very own Jedi Training Academy!

There will be three seperate academies being held. One for Younglings ages 4 – 9.  One for Padawans age 10 – 15.  And finally one for Jedi and Sith age 16 – 100!  So yes, this means your children can learn the art of lightsaber use but so can YOU!
The Youngling and Padawan Academies are one hour in length.  Here, aspiring force users will learn the basics in lightsaber combat and handling.  And all participants will leave with a lightsaber of their very own!  (special discounts if they come with a lightsaber of their very own)
The Jedi/Sith Academy is two hours in length and will include all the skills learned by Younglings and Padawans but will also include a section on developing your own sparring routine with a live opponent!  Go home and dazzle your friends and relatives with your prowess in the Force!  All participants will leave with a weapon of their very own.  (special discounts if you come with a combat quality saber of your very own)
Keep a look out for participation dates and further announcements via email and throughout the studio.
*Children sabers will come in the form of retractable toys similar to those found at Toys’R’Us.
*Adult sabers will come in the form of either a martial arts bokken or a stage quality lightsaber similar to those provided by
*Special discounts to those children with a toy saber of their own
*Special discounts to those adults with a bokken or lightsaber (supplied by of their very own
*The PRO Martial Arts Jedi Training Academy has no affiliation or relation to the Universal Studios program of the same name, not does PRO Martial Arts Loveland take credit for any intellectual property used in the creation or performance of this event.  Please support the official franchise.

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