TheĀ Clermont County Board of ElectionsĀ is looking for poll workers for the March 15 primary election.Ā  Ohio holds an early primary election every four years to have a greater impact on the presidential nominee selection for each party.

The Board of Elections must ensure that each of the 166 precincts in the county has two Democratic and two Republican workers, for a total of 664 workers.Ā  Each worker is paid a minimum of $130.

Workers must sign up before Feb. 10 so that they can be placed and trained for the election. With its new electronic poll book system, theĀ  Board of Elections is particularly looking for workers who are comfortable with computers or iPads/tablets. Poll workers must be registered voters in Clermont County.

ā€œYou will find that working the polls on Election Day is fun and you get to meet new friends,ā€ saidĀ Judy Miller, Director of the Board of Elections. ā€œYou also have the knowledge that you have participated in your government and done your civic duty.ā€

To sign up, call the Board of Elections at 513-732-7275 or emailĀ [email protected].



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