In the video above, council member Andy Bateman sits down to talk about his new experience at the job, the future of Loveland, and how he sees our city.

by Mihaela Manova
Loveland, Ohio – Fresh from getting newly elected, Andy Bateman has grown in popularity with his youthful presence and warm demeanor. Ever since the Loveland community has witnessed his election and presence in the city’s governing body, the locals expect the best to come from his ambition.
We met for the first time back in December when he was inducted in the city’s governing body and we were excited to see what could come next for our city. You can see our coverage and our first quick interview with him HERE (begin at 0.54).
In our interview with Andy (his name preference contrast to Mr. Bateman or Andrew), we learn more about his origin of ambitions, his outlook on Loveland, and what he could change if given the chance.