Blue Ash, Ohio –Ā September 8 will be the first day of school for all students, including those in a virtual classroom learning setting. Parents have been asked to look for more information about their studentā€™s school’s transition days for face-to-face learners on September 3-4. Half of Grades K-4, Grades 5-6, Grades 7-8, and Grades 9 and 12 students will attend on each of those days to ease the transition to school.

  • September 8 will be the first day of school for all students.Ā  It will also be the first day of school for students in the virtual classroom setting.
  • Grades K-4, Grades 5-6, Grades 7-8, and Grades 9 and 12 students in the in-person option will enter the hallways on either September 3 or 4.Ā  Half of each will attend on each of those days to ease the transition to school.

Families have been offered two options for the return to school.

Sycamore Community Schools will provide students Grades K-12 who cannot or do not wish to return to school with 100% virtual classroom learning fIve days a week.

In Virtual Classroom Learning, parents and guardians of elementary students assume the role ofĀ a “Learning Partner”. Each child will be taught by a Sycamore Community Schools teacher who will support the child in his or her learning, grade submitted work, and monitor the childā€™s progress. However, parents and guardians provide “vital support” for younger students in an online learning environment.

  • Students will follow a daily schedule of instruction
  • Sycamore teachers will instruct the virtual classrooms
  • Virtual classrooms will follow the same sequencing and teachĀ the same standards as the face to face instructional model.
  • Aligned to Ohioā€™s Learning Standards andĀ Sycamore Schoolsā€™ curriculum maps.
  • 100% online environment
  • Student privacy protected

How will Virtual Classroom Learning be different from the 4th Quarter remote learning experience?

  • Attendance will be taken daily
  • Students will have a daily learning schedule
  • Students will be actively engaged in learning new content
  • Student learning will be assessed formatively and summatively
  • Students will receive grades per the district grading scale
  • Teachers will engage with students daily
  • Teachers will monitor student progress to ensure students are learning and progressingĀ successfully through the standards
  • Virtual Classrooms will be monitored to ensure student engagement and curricular alignment,Ā similar to the process in a face to face teaching environment
  • To ensure educational equity, Virtual Classroom ā€˜walk-throughsā€™ by an administrator orĀ instructional expert will occur, similar to the process in a face to face teaching environment
  • Live streaming of classes will be considered as an option where appropriate, such as withĀ unique courses at the HS

How will Virtual Classroom Learning be similar to Face-to-Face Learning?

  • Sycamore teachers will teach the virtual classrooms
  • Sycamore teachers will develop relationships with students
  • Sycamore teachers will use curriculum resources and best instructional practices toĀ engage students in learning
  • Sycamore teachers in the virtual classroom will collaborate with the face to face teachers
  • Students will take the same common assessments in both models, as well as MAPĀ assessments, as a means to ensure educational equity and alignment of learning expectations
  • Students will receive Intervention, Special Education, Gifted and/or ESOL support and haveĀ access to mental health services
  • Every effort will be made to allow students to take the same courses as in the face to faceĀ environment. Some exceptions may occur.
  • Curriculum is either the same as Sycamoreā€™s or aligned tightly with Ohioā€™s Learning StandardsĀ and Sycamoreā€™s Curriculum to ensure educational equity.


  • All staff members are required by the state of Ohio to wear district-approved facial coverings during the school day, unless it is unsafe to do so or where doing so would significantly interfere with the learning process.
  • All students Grades K-12 will be required to wear district-approved masks on the bus and during the school day with the exception of lunch, recess, and PE classes, or if social distancing can be ensured.
    • Families will be responsible for providing clean, cloth masks
    • District will provide a mask if a student forgets, loses, or destroys their mask at school
    • Masks must meet CDC recommendations and adhere to the Sycamore Code of Conduct ā€¢ Medical waivers will be given for both students and staff
    • Accommodations for medical waivers include 6 feet or more distancing from others in class and physical barriers


  • Adjustments in schedules to reduce numbers of students on the playground
  • Limited use of shared equipment
  • Sanitation in between cohorts
  • Playground supervisors will ensure physical distancing as much as possible


  • Use of outdoor spaces as much as possible
  • Forward only positioning for exhalation activities
  • Limited partner/group games and shared equipment
  • Sanitation in between cohorts


  • Enhanced levels of music appreciation, songwriting, and music culture/history
  • Limited exhalation and shared instrument activities
  • 12 feet physical distancing and forward only positioning for exhalation activities
  • Use of outside spaces as much as possible

You can read Sycamore’s complete back to school plan HERE.