Tuesday, August 22 from 5-7 PM at Nisbet Park
by David Miller
Loveland, Ohio – Some of you may be familiar with Special Neat Treats whose focus is to supply jobs for people with special needs while selling Special Neat Treats.
Loveland dad Joel Wegener is using the ice cream business he founded to give back to his community and create a career path for his children. Two of his children help out on the truck, Son Josh and daughter Mary Kate.
Mary Kate told Today Show’s Craig Melvin in October of 2021, that she’s looking forward to “always” working on the truck and said that Wagener was “the best dad ever.”
Joel told Melvin that he hopes that Josh and Mary Kate can keep helping him sell ice cream for a long time. Of course it’s not all that, but a way to lead the children to a life of independent living.
Wagener started operating an ice cream truck in April 2021 and it sorely needs some repairs.
In May, the engine blew on their main ice cream truck and the
second truck they purchased needed major repairs. Because they are good people doing good things we want to help them cover the repair expenses so they can keep working with their kids and serving the community.

Come down to Nisbet Park next Tuesday for live music with Tim Anderson and Ryan Crabb of Class of 95.
There will be photo ops with characters, raffles, and of course – ice cream!
The Wicked Pickle next door to the park is doing a $5 drink special.