Congratulations, Quinn and Margaret!Ā 



Loveland, Ohio – “The Loveland Music BoostersĀ are thrilled to congratulate Loveland High School students Margaret Eilert and Quinn Caney for their outstanding musical talent and program participation, thereby earning the Maegly Music Scholarship Award,” said Booster President,Ā Traci Scarpa.

acct-plus-sidebarCaney, a sophomore at Loveland High School (LHS), was awarded the scholarship on October 21st at hisĀ Band Concert. He is a member of the Marching Band, Wind Ensemble and Jazz Orchestra. Quinn plans to use the scholarship to take additional private music lessons on both the trumpet and the trombone.

Eilert, a junior at LHS, was presented the scholarship on October 22nd at herĀ Choir Concert. Ā She is a member of the Chamber Orchestra and Loveland Show Choir ā€œBy Requestā€ and ā€œAllureā€ groups. She is also taking classes in guitar and AP Music theory to broaden her musical skills. Eilert intends to use the scholarship to attend a performing arts camp this summer called Show Choir Camps of America.

The Music Boosters established the Maegly Music Scholarship Award to honor former teacher, Bruce Maegly,Ā “ToĀ recognize his 35-year contribution to developing the musical talents and enthusiasm of generations of Loveland students.”

Scarpa said, “The intent of the scholarship is to foster musical development in current students, just like Mr. Maegly did while teaching ā€“ by awarding funds to offset skill building expenses.”

Caney said he was going to study music education at U.C.’sĀ College-Conservatory of Music (CCM). He said that when the announcement was made, everyone around him said he had a look of shock on his faceĀ like, what? What do I do now? “So, I just went up there and enjoyed the presentation.” Caney was a former student of Maegly. He described him as a great teacher. “My private instructor told me, you can’t get any better than Mr. Maegly.”[pull_quote_right]“My private instructor told me, you can’t get any better than Mr.Ā Maegly.”[/pull_quote_right]

Eilert also plans on studying music education, but is un-decided about where she will study. She said while at the choir concert, her teacher said, “Come, stand over here.” She had no idea, what it was for. Then when they started talking about Maegly she realized she had won the scholarship. She said, “I was shocked and I am really excited about it.”

The Loveland Music Boosters established the Maegly Music Scholarship Award in 2014. Award recipients areĀ able to use the funds to offset the costs of individual musical instruction, including private music lessons or special musical performance learning opportunities (musical camps, master classes, seminars). Eligible expenses for reimbursementĀ also include direct out-of-pocket costs related to aĀ musical development opportunity.

Scarpa said, “This scholarship continues the legacy of Bruce Maegly with these next two winners. The Boosters wish Quinn and Margaret every success as they continue to develop their musical skills and look forward to seeing the results of their hard work in the coming years”



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