Branch Hill – Duke Electric has completed their relocation work and Cincinnati Bell and Time Warner have progressed enough that the contractor will be able to complete some of their work near the bottom of the Branch Hill-Guinea Pike hill. The closure is to replace a 48” culvert that crosses the road just south of the Branch Hill Guinea/Branch Hill Loveland intersection (location shown on attached detour map).
Branch Hill-Guinea Pike to close Nov. 16 and is expected to re-open on November 20.
The work manly consists of improving the roadside storm drainage system and adding a 2’ wide shoulder to each side of the roadway. The work taking place in this area right now is related to utility relocation
The hope, according to traffic engineer, Jeremy Evans, with the Clermont County Engineer’s Office, is to complete the bulk of the project this fall and wrap up any remaining work in the spring. Evans said, “The storm pipe here is quite large and very deep. It’ll take them a couple days to dig out the old and a couple days to reinstall the new.”