Teachers use paint for positive reinforcement

Loveland Intermediate School teachers painted inspirational messages to promote a positive self-image to female students on the walls of the bathroom. – Provided Photo

Loveland, Ohio – A few cans of paint and a holiday weekend spent working was all a group of Loveland Intermediate School (LIS) fifth grade teachers needed to create some unexpected messages for the female students they teach. When their students returned from Veteranā€™s Day Weekend, they were greeted with inspirational quotes painted across all of the walls in the bathroom.

ā€œWe saw a post online about a middle school that did this exact thing, and we loved the idea because so often girls are bombarded with societyā€™s views about what they should look like and what society believes about girls,ā€ said LIS Teacher Jennifer Burkhardt. ā€œWe wanted to surround them with words to remind them that they are beautiful, strong, smart, and loved just the way they are and that being kind and doing their best is the most important thing.ā€

Provided Photo

It was an act of kindness by a Loveland nonprofit that funded the plan. JUST BECAUSE GRANTS were awarded to the teachers to purchase the supplies.

ā€œIt is fantastic, and the message is so important for our students to hear,ā€ said LIS Principal Garth Carlier. ā€œThis initiative speaks to the care our teachers have for our students, which is also one of the strategic goals for our district ā€“ Tiger Care. These students deserve to know how special they are; this is the perfect daily reminder.ā€

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