Jeremy Evans, the Clermont County traffic engineer in the know about the road construction on the hill leading down into Branch Hill on Branch Hill/Guinea Pike said, “We do have a project in the area of the hill on Branch Hill Guinea. The work manly consists of improving the roadside storm drainage system and adding a 2ā€™ wide shoulder to each side of the roadway.” He further explained that the work taking place in this area after-schoolateright now is related to utility relocation in advance of theĀ construction project. Duke Electric, Cincinnati Bell, and Time Warner all have relocation work remaining.

Evans said, “Our contractor will require a road closure at some point to complete their work but we wonā€™t have an estimated date until the utility companies are closer to completion. Our hope has been to complete the bulk of the project this fall and wrap up any remaining work in the spring, but that window is quickly closing.”

Evans said he will keep Loveland Magazine informed andĀ let usĀ know when theyĀ have a date scheduled for the closure.

Jeremy Evans,Ā can be reached atĀ 513-732-8857 orĀ [email protected].





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